Best non penetration strong vibes rabbit

My Lovehoney rabbit vibe has finally died. Need a new one and need your help!

I never use it for penetration just the ears
Need it to flex to gain good contact with my Clit without the penetration
Need it to have good strong clitoral vibes (adjustable is good)

I’ve tried other clitoral vibrators wand and Womanizer both OK but they don’t do it for me like the rabbit did.

Thanks for any help based on your experiences.


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Hey @chrisjsmith123456

Welcome to the Lovehoney Forum!

Have you considered a Rabbit Ears vibe, if you don’t use the shaft of the toy they will be much easier to hold and position. These two would be my suggestions :smiley:


Thank you for these. Any preference on strength of vibes?

The happyrabbit vibe is closer to what you would get from a traditional Rabbit Vibrator. The lowest setting is quite rumbly but as the speed progresses it has a higher frequency, which is quite strong. The design is also more similar to traditional Rabbits, with the ears being closer together and while also providing pinpoint stimulation.

The Laska has ears that are slightly wider apart. It has 4 speeds rather than 3, with the first 2 being strong and rumbly, and the top 2 being slightly higher frequency! :slight_smile:

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And that’s how a review and recommendations should be written :grin::joy: @Lovehoney_Brenna

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My OH loves this one

Sadly out of stock - but @Lovehoney_Brenna is right - this sort of thing is likely what you want to try!

Have fun!

This one:

Has some good reviews :thinking:. Or just go for something like this which is our go too! No direct contact and the suction, once you’ve figured out the position and what suits you, gets you there every time:

(Had to edit as I linked the same as @Lovehoney_Brenna :man_facepalming:t3:! She has me shopping again :joy:)


It sounds like you have had some great suggestions and I hope you find one you are happy with. Personally I would go with the ones suggested by @Lovehoney_Brenna

This one is out favourite.
Happy Rabbit Rechargeable Knicker Vibrator - Lovehoney UK

But a wand is unbeatable for power and you can get attachments for some of them

My wife likes these two ( of the ones still on sale )