Best prostate toy for men?

Has anyone tried this one?
Looks like it would get the job done :wink::crossed_fingers:t2:

I have a very similar toy to that and it doesn’t do much for me :frowning:

I’ve even payed for a prostate massage last year but still didn’t get the magical feeling every guy seems to talk about

Looks like the one I have. Did nothing.

:confounded: the elusive P-Gasm! Ugh


OK… who can explain exactly where the P spot is.

Like if my husband is on his hands and knees and I am behind him, if I slide my fingers inside - how can you tell or feel the right spot to be massaging?

Tell me what you guys like :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: I need help/ideas x

@jackgay sorry to hear that you were dissapointed with your new toy :smirk:

Hitting the p spot and squirting seek to be very elusive.

Toys are different for everyone and it’s difficult to know what’s best for any individual.

But, it might not necessarily be the perfect toy you need but the perfect set of circumstances. Being relaxed seems to be key for many people, take the pressure off and enjoy yourself.

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if he is laying on his back then you should slide your fingers in deep enough and then move them as if to say ‘come here’ if that makes sense! it works on like every guy I’ve been with but for some reason not myself :thinking: you’ll know if you are touching his prostate, it feels quite fleshy and smooth compared to the rest of his hole haha. Plus once you hit it the look on his face will be enough :rofl:


im gonna give the toy a few more tries, I guess these things take time! if I get nowhere then im not sure if I should be going even larger or smaller? who knows

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mmmm mmmm - love the reply

I’m going to give that a try, so it’s best if he lays on his back would you say?

Maybe it’s hard to hit that spot yourself because you can’t quite reach and get that perfect angle it might just be about finding the right toy for you - or the right guy :wink:

on his back is usually best but if not maybe get him on his knees and then just move your fingers in the opposite direction to how you would if he were on his back :smiling_imp:

and yes maybe, im determined to get there no matter what it takes :rofl: I’m making it my goal for 2021

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I would highly recommend the Flexcite 10 function prostate vibrator.
I find that without a vibrator I don’t get anywhere near as much stimulation of the prostate. If I take my time and slowly work up through the vibration intensities I not only have multiple prostate orgasms but also ejaculate without touching my penis.

this is the one I just tried out! it hasn’t done much for me yet but im going to give it another chance

I find that I need to be very relaxed and not rushing it. It does nothing for me without the vibration function. I also find that particular vibration setting work better than others.

The other thing is that within a few minutes of stimulating the prostate I’m rock hard and I can feel everything contracting, I then go flaccid and get this really full warm feeling, which lasts for several minutes and then bang out of nowhere the fireworks start and my whole body starts shaking! If I can keep the vibrator inside me at this point I can get several orgasms through the prostate which come in waves of increasing intensity.

I initially made the mistake of thinking that because I’d gone flaccid the fun was over!! Therefore if this happens keep going!