best things for cum stains???

pulled out of OH and i shot 6 feet across room splattering curtains.. what the best way of getting of delicate fabrics

Lick it up ;)

ha ha i'll mention it but doubt she keen

Haha, worth a shot though?

Lady.Gasm.X wrote:

Haha, worth a shot though?

I think the shot is what NB has already done

Leave them as a sign of your prowess and an interesting after dinner conversation piece with the vicar

TTurtle wrote:

Lady.Gasm.X wrote:

Haha, worth a shot though?

I think the shot is what NB has already done

Hahahahahaha true true

hahah curtains now fresh out of washing machine

No danger then? >:)

hopefully not

buy off white curtains

they are black. they got hit 4 times!!!

guess that wat happens wen u go 24hrs without cummin

didnt fully come out :(

Search online for methods to remove eggwhite stains. If it works on that it'll work on cum.

wet wipes are quite good for things that appear like cum stains like yogurt - whether that transfers to actual cum stains is another question...

The bars of green fairy soap are great. Wet the stain rub with the soap, handwash the stain (but dont rinse the soap out) then wash the fabric as normal. You can get it in wilkinsons and it's made by fairy liquid but it's a bar of soap. Normally I find it works great, hope it works for you. P.s It gets cum out of carpets as well!!

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baby wipes are perfect for most things