Bit of a dry spell :(

Hey :)

It’s been a little while since I frequented the forums! I remember you all being so helpful and supportive so here goes...

Hubby and I have gone through a bit of a dry spell. I know it’s mostly me so I was after advice of what gets you in the mood most? I’m looking for new things to try/suggest so I’m more in the mood.

I know the reasons why I’m not as active between the sheets as previously and not a lot can be done about it! I have a new job which means I work out of the house now in a challenging role (physically, mentally and emotionally challenging). Our son is 2 soon and doesn’t sleep through the night. Hubby works stupidly long hours plus commuting times. I’m holding all the house stuff together etc etc.

As I said; not a lot can be done about the above things, it’s just the way things are. I think some relaxation may help...any suggestions? Music, apps or website suggestions would be good!

Thanks in advance :)

In all the chaos you and your OH need to make time for yourselves and reconnect. Have him run you a bath to help you relax and then take things slowly from there. Communication is key, so keep the lines open. Good luck.

I agree with DLJL, passion takes time to rekindle. Enjoy a massage or a bath together, romantic meal does not have to lead straight to sex but just to enjoy yourselves. My last date lasted over 3 nights, spread out over nearly a week as we could not do all we wanted in one evening. Sometimes we have to pause as life/work/our families take over. Does not mean we stop caring it means we enjoy our time together, cherish that feeling and use the emotions to pick off where we left off next time we can x

I find routine often helps, but too much routine and they're less in the mood. With an ex of mine he used to always get head on a Friday after work, and he'd have all week expecting and getting excited, so by the time he was home, he was always immediately ready to go.

Thanks guys :) great responses as usual! Hopefully our little man will maybe start sleeping through at last and that should ease some of the tiredness at least :)

I have asked hubby for a massage the next time he’s home. I’m definitely missing his physical presence. Not something I’ve had to deal with before (working from Home has its perks- at least I got to see him or steal the odd kiss/touch)

We are also going to try to make time for a walk or a quick drink together out of the house. It’s really difficult for us but the least we can do is try! Thanks again :)

Poor you guys. Everything at once. If you can get a sitter. Maybe try a date night. Doesn't have to be late. Maybe early cinema. Meal. Drive to a country spot and have some you time. No talk of children or work. Good luck xxx

Try take some annual leave for a couple days an communicate with each other

I work in education and the only time off I’ve been able to book are hospital appointments for our son. No chance for a day to spend with hubby! 😂🙈 I would do it in a heartbeat if I could 😀

Sitter- not too much of a problem; we’re a multigenerational household so grandparents on tap! Just trying to find the time at the moment. I’d have to get the youngest to bed/sleep first which isn’t always a given as he is a pickle for sleeping (and eating!)

Our time will come but I’m just learning to be patient. I’m off in half term and he’s working 🙈 but we are trying to arrange a meal out or a drink at the pub in the village. Just need to find time to reconnect.

Everything is happening all at once these past few weeks so I’m sure it’s got to give soon! Thanks again for the advice 😀 can always rely on the forum for good, solid, sound advice

All the best We are both only thinking good things for you two. It will get better xxx

Following - we've had a fallow month due to work and health stress. We have a child who has a lot of medical appointments. It means daytimes are not much fun, which means no one is in the mood in the evening.

No tips apart from what others have offered - great ideas, easier said than done. Things do get back on track though - a bit of ebb and flow is normal in a relationship.

My plan is to keep a bottle of prosecco on ice and to seize the moment, whenever that might present itself.

Good luck!