Black Friday 2020

only half the size though lol

Oh god an nJoy would just be the dream. However I refuse to even put them in my wishlists as I know it can never be! :sleepy:


I’m honestly really glad i bought some of the bits when i did in the sale though, seeing the new discounted prices just emphasises how badly i can’t afford them :rofl:


I’m updating mine, everything i keep glancing at is now going on (so far I’ve added all 3 zumios and the tulip :joy:)


Goodness I’ve just gone and looked at the size of that bad boy :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

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Sweet dreams everyone


Ok on 2nd look a couple of things have a slightly higher discount, Hughes I’ve seen so far is 15% though, I’m having 1 more look (but resisting the urge to buy). Edit ok i figured out the filters, a few bits still have up to 50% off if you missed any during the main sale

Yeah the items that I ordered yesterday 1 went from 30% off to just 10% like most items, while non discounted items went from normal price to having a discount so its swings and roundabouts

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Another good option!! My steel collection is very small so it’s definitely something I want to expand but other toys just seen to have taken priority :woman_shrugging:t2: perhaps some new year gifts! Have you managed to get any decent deals?

I go through phases with my wishlists being up to date or not but I made sure before black Friday it was so I could easily check prices! It’s my favourite thing looking through other people’s for inspiration too.

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Ive been looking at the njoy wand as I like to experience it but I know it won’t get used very often so the price doesn’t seem worth it to me


Oh yeah i forgot about your wand collection in the toy box pics haha. The metallic 1 is so pretty, i bought 1 at the stat of the sale actually

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lol. Hope you enjoy it. I brought the new purple wand as well as its my favourite colour, looks lovely in person

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I have the Njoy wand. It is really good, nice and weighty and feels so smooth.
One for the birthday discount?

Just treated myself to a Zumio! Yay! (Happy dance… not much of a discount but with Unlimited and points got it for just over £65 :star_struck: :tada: :zap: :dancing_women:).

I spent ages deciding which one - I went for Zumio E in the end.

Did anyone else snap one up?


I’ve decided to leave it for now, I’m going to wait for my birthday discount i think so i can get a bit more off (I’ve updated my wishlist, I’m going to try to save up until then and have a big buy then - i may not successfully hold of on spending though if any more really good offers appear :joy:)

Good decision Ace :+1:

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Edited by mod

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Was it worth the wait? :slightly_smiling_face:

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@Ian_Chimp I haven’t opened it yet. It was a good offer but it is nearly Christmas with 3 kids and a covid infected income…
I hate returning things, and I’ve had my eye on a Zumio for ages, but I am wondering if I can justify it.
Ho ho ho!