Blog / review

So I was thinking about starting a blog and reviewing sex toys sold both on LH and other sites... What do people think about this... Would you visit a blog? Does LH allow this if I sign up and become an affliate?

Thoughts and ideas please!....

Lots of stuff here to help your research

Thanks sumsub

Agreed, that thread is brilliant!

Oops, posted on the wrong thread

Anyone else have some advise???

Hey Epihpora and Kara Sutra have some great pieces of advice on their blogs. Might be worth checking them out. ;)

AnarchyBunny wrote:

Hey Epihpora and Kara Sutra have some great pieces of advice on their blogs. Might be worth checking them out. ;)

Yes! Also, check out Dangerous Lilly and her "Blogger education" section. and Insatiable Desires guide to writing a review that doesn't suck.

All of these bloggers are talking from a sex blogger point of view and offer a wealth of advice.