Blowjob Etiquette?

I’m just learning how to function in my boy form, since I started out female I just don’t know these things.

My husband and our female partners don’t do blowjobs. I don’t know if he isn’t really into it for some reason. Maybe I misunderstand, but I have the impression that it is a common thing for guys to do for each other? At any rate, I tried it, and he had no objection. He came inside my mouth, and I swallowed in a couple of gulps. No problem. Weird thing is, I don’t see that on the internet. I know porno isn’t real, but I see guys pulling out and I don’t know why. Am I doing it the right way? Just suck until I have something to swallow?

Is it normal to want to just give/receive a blowjob at random during the day? I’m new to testosterone and boy stuff in general, and I have the worst unexpected cravings. I woke up this morning and I was uncomfortably firm down there. :roll_eyes:


Sounds pretty normal to me hun

Every man loves blow jobs, even more so when swallowing. Keep it up!

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Hubby loves his blowjobs, just as much as I love giving him it :yum:
I could spend all day doing it :joy: At any part of the day, I get the urge to do it. I’ll say to him, and he’ll just say ‘I ain’t going to say no, crack on’ :joy:
He especially loves it when he finishes in my mouth.

So I’m definitely saying it’s normal :joy:

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Hey @awkward-yet-sweet! It’s great you’re asking questions, that is always the first step :blush:

In my opinion, blowjob etiquette is whatever you communicate and agree with your partner. Everyone is different and people like to receive oral sex in different ways, and some just don’t like to give and/or receive.

In mainstream porn it is often about the aesthetic and “cum shot”, which is why you usually always see it, whether that be the person ejaculating pulling out and cumming over a body part, or they show the internal cum shot (often referred to as cream pie in porn) afterwards. As you say, porn is often not an accurate representation of what sex is for lots of partners, particularly mainstream porn.

It can be difficult when you’re feeling like you’re still learning, but communication really is key and so I would have a conversation with your partners about what they like, what they find most pleasurable and if there’s anything they are not a fan of. The exploring is the fun part so take the pressure off trying to be ‘right’ or ‘normal’ and focus on what feels good for you :blush:

I was just about to write exactly the same thing as “sex in the city” in the above post.

In porn videos it is common to show the ‘cum shot’ where the penis holder pulls out of the mouth, vagina or anus so that the viewer can see the ejaculation and verify that the orgasm is real.

Personally I love it when my wife makes me come in her mouth then swallow it in the same way that I love it when she squirts or ejaculates whilst I’m licking or rimming her.


I love my wife giving me a blowjob it is great but I also love giving her oral sex and taking care of her the blowjob is not the only thing that matters your woman is just as important as you are, thx everyone for your opinion


Taking T massively increases sex drive which might be a part of it. My boyfriend is the same.

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Yes it’s quite common to have all these urges and also alright to do as you’ve been doing in swallowing his load. If you get into looking up on porn there is a vast array of amateur stuff where the guy swallows during a blowjob.

Is it normal for guys to ask for it? Or does it just happen? And if you’re cumming in somebody’s mouth…warn them first?


Hubby will ask me if I want to ‘fancy giving me a blowjob’, ‘get your mouth round that’ and a few other ways (it’s never turned down) other times I just help myself :joy:

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I’ve had guys give me a downwards nod as if to say ‘go down’ other guys have asked if I would.

With my current partner if its in reach and close to my mouth at any point then I’m sucking it or I will tell him I want to do it, he’s never had to ask for it. He’s only said no once because he wanted to give me oral and I can’t concentrate on both.

Before he comes over we talk about what we want to happen and the things we want to do. It doesn’t always work out like that but we like to have our ‘wants’ laid out before the horniness takes over.

An orgasm warning should be given before because the receiver might not want it and you don’t have to swallow if you don’t want to! You could aim for your face (if they’re not a ‘shooter’) neck or chest or anywhere you might want it. The visual will be a turn on for them - I would communicate this though, so that there’s no disappointment.

I think for you, you need to talk to your partners and agree how different things will play out. For example if you are happy for your partner to cum in your mouth, do you want a warning? When its happened a few times, you’ll be able to tell when they’re close by how their breath or face changes (if you can see their face).

Ask all the questions you need and enjoy how your body feels and the things it wants. As long as its consensual then everything is encouraged!


Warning first is polite as it gives an opportunity to decide where it goes. It can be a mood thing. It may be that in the moment words aren’t really an option so having an agreed ‘tell’ (I sometimes will squeeze her shoulder three times) can help and she chooses whether to carry on or move away.

Yeah many guys I guess sometimes will ask for it if they’re specifically wanting it done to them but also it can just spontaneously happen when during sex. With cumming in the mouth it’s good to give a heads up first before you do it as some don’t like cum swallowing and might gag lol

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Watch the eyes as well - it stings. :crying_cat_face:

I guess some people don’t like the taste? I usually volunteer to clean up my partners… My husband doesn’t ask me for it at all - I volunteer there too.

I have trouble communicating vocally once I’m turned on. I can stammer a few words, but I don’t have much of a way of asking for what I want. My best method so far is to either drop my shorts or guide a partner’s hand to the right spot.

Another thought - at what point does it stop being “licking” and becoming “sucking” or a blowjob? I’m slowly changing my body from female to male, but I’ll probably always be somewhat inbetween.


I’m not sure if I’m grasping this wrong but it would be your choice how you do it. I would do both, there are no rules, you do what feels good to you. If you want to suck for a bit and then tease with licking and go back to sucking, then do that.

Remember this is for your enjoyment! Experiment with how you use pressure and your tongue. Here is a thread with different techniques in case you want to try something new :peach: :eggplant: Oral Sex Superbowl


I was thinking more along the lines of what to call it for myself… since I’m in the process of changing my body from female to male. Using a testosterone cream to enlarge my (already large) clitoris has given me some good results. Not sure what to call oral sex, though. It is a blowjob on only two inches?

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Still a blowjob, some penises are 2 inches.

That actually makes me feel good. Like I’ve sort of “arrived” at being a real boy. I haven’t really been able to call it a blowjob with my partners just yet…