BLUMPKIN!!!! has anyone done it

I pretty much feel the same about both things mentioned as everyone else. I'm a total toilet prude, I like toilet time to be private time, lol. However I keep opening this thread in the hopes someone says 'yeah I've done it'. No idea why though, I think I have issues, lol x

i'm open minded enough to try it , if both people are into something then i say do it , i'd rather recieve than give though being submissive

Not for me at all. I wouldn't even want to be in the room when he was going to the toilet, let alone that close!

Oh dear god NO NO NO !!!!

wildflower wrote:

Subdom27 wrote:

Wow, VA. That certainly trumps a Blumpkin!

"the art of seperating the vagina lips and taking a shat inside (and possibly having sex with it afterwards)"

Oh no, that's even worse !

I actually feel physical ill reading this....


o my god what hav i started haha![](upload://l9s9e23YKLHpoOzgGVeUkhZGcEr.gif)

No, sorry I can't say I have ever tried this... I take it you would be prforming oral sex while your partner was on the toilet? :S I have never heard of this in my life. uhh.. you learn something new everyday. x

squeakysquirrel wrote:

I can't imagine this working!! Dunno if anyone else agrees but I find ladies are much more adept at the speed/stealth poop, where it's all over in under five minutes, whereas the guys seem to prefer an explosive 45 minute-long apoocalypse

HAHAHA!! That is an amazing observation! Funnyest thing I have read all night. XD

Subdom27 wrote:

Wow, VA. That certainly trumps a Blumpkin!

"the art of seperating the vagina lips and taking a shat inside (and possibly having sex with it afterwards)"

... I have no words to describe how I felt reading that, Surly that would give you some sort of infection, Thats the hole wipping front to back thing out the window....

well thats the new thing I have learnt today

So my OH won't be getting a blowjob for about a month while I try and forget that this thing exists.

Subdom27 wrote:

Wow, VA. That certainly trumps a Blumpkin!

"the art of seperating the vagina lips and taking a shat inside (and possibly having sex with it afterwards)"

sounds like a more extreme more disgusting version truffle butter where you go straight from anal to vaginal sex and the resulting brown buttery stuff around the vagina is known as truffle butter

Subdom27 wrote:

My pleasure, Skitty. It was a new one for me too! I guess it might appeal to people who are into scat porn, or ultimate degredation? I'm not sure, but I think my wife would rather divorce me than blumpkin me 😁

Totally agree

Skitty wrote:

I would say I'm glad someone posted a definition, although perhaps 'glad' is a bit enthusiastic, haha. But thanks for the informative post, Subdom. Saved me having to brave urban dictionary myself ;)

But in response, no, have never done it and personally can't see the appeal at all.

totally agree

Im not into scat and never heard that term before.

Could you imagine it though,your oh sucking away going mmmmmm ! mmmmmm ! mmmmmmm ! while you go plop ! plop ! plop ?? Or even worse after a curry !!!