Bullet is too buzzy.... help

Hi all,

we just bought one of these http://www.lovehoney.co.uk/product.cfm?p=28437 but we find it too buzzy. Whether it;s the frequency of the vibrations or the fact that is has a hard plastic body but MrsB doesn't like it, you really feel the vibrations in your hand...

We were looking for something to use to tease all over rather that a clit specific vibe, that isn't too buzzy or high frequency, softer and rumbly if that makes sense...

Any ideas or recomendations..?

The Silencer bullet fits the 'soft and rumbly' bill I think, it's not high-pitched at all but on the downside it's not incredibly deep and powerful either. It's good for the price though. The Lelo Mia 2's an option too and more powerful than the Silencer bullet, and for bigger vibes I'd recommend the Vibratex Mystic Wand. I've only had mine a month but I'm in love, you wouldn't expect it as it's battery powered but it's reaaaaally rumbly, especially the first setting.

The Lelo Siri springs to mind too, but I've not tried it, just read a lot of rave reviews...

I'd also recommend Lovehoney Silencer USB Bullet. It has lots of settings so you can turn it up fairly high

I third the Silencer bullet if you're on a budget, or the Mia 2 as it's just that bit more powerful :)

I was going to recommend this http://www.lovehoney.co.uk/product.cfm?p=28085 but I see its discontinued and now I am sad! I love mine.

Thanks for the feedback, time for a bit of research I think...

Sorry to hear you didn't get on with the Lovehoney Flash!

The recommendations above are great. You might also like to check out the Pure Aluminium Whisper-Quiet Ridged Bullet Vibrator and the We-Vibe Tango.

For other clitoral vibes, a few really great ones are the Lovehoney Micro Magic Wand, Lovehoney Mini Magic Wand, Je Joue Mimi and Mimi Soft.

Make sure (if you bought it recently) that you return your original vibe to us for a refund or exchange :)

If you're looking for an all over teaser, you could look for massagers or pebble shaped vibrators.

http://www.lovehoney.co.uk/product.cfm?p=27458 This is quite expensive but it is so super soft and the vibes don't transfer too badly into your hand (that is something tha will happen with pretty much any vibrator I'm afraid!). It certainly won't make it go numb though. The vibes are rumbly and very soft on the low setting, and the material means it feels amazing for anywhere on the body. It's kind of like a marshmallow! Would be an ideal switch in material if hard plastic doesn't appeal :)


If you have the money, I highly recommend this one.

Mine is a bit broken but I still use it I love it so much. If I could afford to, I'd get another.

I have the pink flash bullet and would agree with others about trying the silencer bullet I have that too and it has a nice range of vibrations I much prefer it's rumble to the buzz of the flash I have one of the aluminium bullets too (not the one jess recommended) I find it rather useless the metal seems to absorb most of the vibrations the first speed setting is OK the two faster ones just buzz me to a feeling of nothingness

thanks for all these recommendations, might have to sit down with a glass of wine and read some reviews.

Thanks myghost, glad it's not just us that feel that way about the flash. ![](upload://ez5kOkpKXRZOxjavAURYmQxVTau.gif)

I'm not keen on the hard pink flash either, except that it works well in some sleeves like the Rock Chick. And since I prefer the Rock Chick bullet on its own I just swapped them round. :-)

For softer and rumblier, iroha is excellent. Can't recommend their products highly enough. Another favourite is the Swoon Release. It's great for both internal and external and the vibrations are lovely. It came up in a thread a while back and several of us agreed on that. http://www.lovehoney.co.uk/product.cfm?p=25366 I like the Swoon Cross My Palm too, but mine is the earlier rechargable version so I'm not sure how the current one compares.