Butt Plug Recommendations

Hi everyone!

We are relatively new to anal play and my fave butt plug so far is the LH Basic Spiral Plug (https://www.lovehoney.com.au/sex-toys/butt-plugs/non-vibrating-butt-plugs/p/basics-spiral-butt-plug-4-inch/74472.html) but it won’t stay in while hubby is penetrating me. It just slides straight out :woman_facepalming:t2:

Does anyone have any suggestions of any other plugs that will stay in place during sex? Would the T shape be better? Or would glass/metal be better than silicone? I have a basic metal one (from a kit) and a glass one but the silicone is my preference. I like this size so something similar would be a bonus!

Thank you lovelies

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T-bar plugs are fantastic for staying in, we got one of these to test and it stayed in solid as you like every time we’ve used it. Plus it’s got some some good vibes as well. Anything like this will do the job for you.


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Hi @Hails! Out of the truly body-safe materials (silicone, glass, stainless steel), silicone would be the best choice for the plug staying in better. Glass and steel are smoother/slippier typically so could slide out easier because of that. The design will be a large factor, you want something with a thinner ‘neck’ (connecting the main part of the plug to the base) as this helps hold the plug in, since a smaller neck will not keep your hole open as much (if the neck were closer to the size of the main part of the plug). The T-bar plugs or similar design ibanez recommended should work for this! These b-vibe plugs tend to be more expensive than others, but with a very thin neck you definitely shouldn’t have a problem with it staying in! This is the ‘medium’, there should be a ‘small’ too, but I don’t see it on the lovehoney AU site.

P.S. I am guessing you are upgrading to silicone as your next butt plug, from your current PVC plug? Also just a PSA, some metal plugs/toys are not as body safe as they are just chrome-plated metal, instead of fully stainless steel (which would be safe).

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Thank you for the recommendation. I’ll check that set out :smiling_face:

Thank you for the very detailed response. The stainless steel one I have is LH brand so I don’t think it is plated but I will definitely keep that in mind for future purchases.

I am open to exploring any material, but yes I think silicone would be a preference. I had actually looked at the one you have suggested but wasn’t sure because of the weight of it. I might need to have a look for the smaller version.

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Matt has hit the nail on the head - aim for a thinner neck relative to the widest part of the plug. Silicone is really good, especially for beginners :+1:


Glass and metal are brilliant for longer use as they don’t need as much top up on lube but to stop a plug coming out you’ll probably be better getting a shape that has a thinner shaft and bigger bulb…

Also I’d always recommend a T bar base for ease of use and comfort knowing it’ll not vanish up at any point! :sweat_smile:

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The wife uses the 4.5 butt tingler butt plug now and then during sex it’s silicone and kind of big but once in she loves it and it stays in place has a good T- bar base. Plus has 10 different vibrations we both feel.

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