Anyone else struggle with stopping them selfs from buying stuff whether its toys, lube or other essentials when their on offer or you receive a discount code? Maybe both?
I don’t “need” anything for at least 3-4 months but seeing the items that im looking at buying soon on offer now is really tempting me.
I know there will be more sales on soon including Black Friday etc.
The items will be just sitting there for months until I need them if I buy now.
I’m struggling to get control of my obsession with buying knickers, stockings and suspender belts.
I’ve only just started wearing them and I’ve got many more pairs than my wife.
Not just with Lovehoney stuff, but day to day things too. If i know i will need something in the future and i see it on sale, i usually take advantage, my thought is “It’s good stock”
If I had the room and place of my own I’d definitely be in this situation! luckily living with parents in a small 3 bed corner terrace keeps my spending practical
Buying lube though and stuff like that, when we already have 6 months supply left in the drawer you don’t really want to be buying more, especially if they have a best before date and then you can’t use them in time.
On the other hand when we do really need to buy more and their out of stock or not on offer at that precise time your kicking yourself you didn’t buy them months ago lol
Absolutely! Recent example. I do not need the foaming cleaner, I still have lots left of the JO foaming cleanser left but it was on offer and will eventually get opened and used so why not buy when it’s on sale?
That being said at this point I have been shopping at lovehoney and similar stores for a few years now. I kinda have a bit of everything on most of the lower cost things.
Currently my sights are on bigger ticket stuff like furniture and occasionally unique outfits and toys.
We are exactly the same way! We have so many already but looking at new toys makes us want them even more. What we have done is literally agree that when we do get that “tickle” to get something on the fly…We both have to agree on it and know that it is going to be used. If we do not have a use for it either within our married, or with a third then there is no reason at all to purchase it!
We have been so impulsive that we have named it toy therapy lol! At least I can say it is cheaper than ink therapy lol