Buzzy vs rumbly

I'm fairly new to sex toys. I started my collection just over 6 months ago (and was living with my family for a few months so my toys saw very little action!) so although I am starting to work out my preferences, I still have a lot to learn. I hear people talking about buzzy or rumbly vibrations quite a lot but I wondered if someone might be able to explain it and perhaps point me towards some examples of rumbly and buzzy toys?

My toys so far are at the cheaper end of the spectrum so I'm guessing most are buzzy? Are there any reasonably cheap rumbly ones? I'd really like to try a variety out before I start making a commitment to something more expensive. I'm also having issues with numbness with a couple of my toys. I'm guessing this is because they are buzzy but it could also be that I'm more prone to numbness because of physical health problems so I'm not going to jump to conclusions.

So far I have:

Tracey Cox superset G-spot vibrator

Cupid's smoothie G-spot vibrator

(I'm not getting anything from either of these).

Oh! Rabbit G-spot vibrator

Lovehoney powerful pocket vibrator

Lovehoney mini magic wand

Lovehoney ultra powerful 7 function love egg

If anyone has any of these, would you say they are buzzy or rumbly?

Buzzy vibrators, when held, make the hand feel numb or "funny" after a little while. To many people (me included), buzzy vibrations can numb the clit or vulva, and are very surface based. I find buzzy vibrators boring, irritating, or non-stimulating.

Rumbly vibrators feel almost like they shake, they mostly don't numb skin and the vibrations penetrate deeply through the entire clitoral network. These are my vibrators of choice.

I don't personally have experience with those toys, but the Tango is considered a powerfully rumbly bullet and most cheap bullet vibes that come free with dildos or butt plugs that have bullet holes in the bottom are very buzzy.

Buzzy vibes are numbing surface vibes rumbly vibes really get in deep often have more power behind them. you can kinda tell a buzzy vibe because the vibrations sound buzzy and are often louder, to use some examples from my own collection

this now discontinued bullet = buzzy

the LH Silencer = rumbly

PurpleElysium wrote:

Buzzy vibrators, when held, make the hand feel numb or "funny" after a little while. To many people (me included), buzzy vibrations can numb the clit or vulva, and are very surface based. I find buzzy vibrators boring, irritating, or non-stimulating.

Rumbly vibrators feel almost like they shake, they mostly don't numb skin and the vibrations penetrate deeply through the entire clitoral network. These are my vibrators of choice.

if it's a rumbly bullet your looking for I would recomend the Tracey Cox Rechargable bullet. It's great powerful and sometimes goes on offer.

If its a larger toy your looking for the Mona2 is excellent, it has some excellent patterns and very deep and rumbly, well worth the money.

I hope this helps

It's taken MrsB a bit of time to realise that buzzy doesn't do it for her. She prefers rumbly. Tried lots of vibes over the years before getting a Lovehoney silencer whisper & realising how good it felt. Sorry I can't link to it on my phone.

I have a feeling that rumbly vibrations go hand in hand with a higher price tag. The "rumbliest" I have (on some settings), and my current favourite, is the Venus Butterfly ( which is very far from perfect (I stand to my review! Though I've discovered in the meantime that you can actually get the bullet out of the butterfly, which makes for a more versatile - and easier to clean - toy). But in my opinion it's more than worth it's current sale price!

Am I right in thinking that rumbly vibrations are actually visible on the video, because they make the toy jump around on the table?

Thank you all so much! This forum has taught me so much already :D

The silencer is now on my wishlist so hopefully I can get that pretty soon but I think something a bit priceier like the tango or mona2 may have to wait a while.

Next week I can tell you how the Bodywand feels! It's certainly jumping around nicely in the video, though I've read it described as buzzy...

By the way, thanks for your opinion on the Cupid's Smoothie, I've eyed that for a while...

Another thing that I just remembered: With some toys, the vibrations seem to be stronger at lower speeds and when they get faster they get weaker, buzzier...

I really wish there was a way to objectively test a vibrator's amplitude (I think that is what makes the vibrations feel rumbly).