Chat: is it worth it?

Why does chat never work properly or if does why does it only work intermittently? I'm not just talking about the chat facility on here but on fb as well! In some ways it's worst on fb 'coz it switches between chat and message so u start out messaging then chatting and then back to messaging! Infuriating! Rant over


Chat works fine on fb on my iPhone.

works fine for me too unless the other person goes offline then it does switch to messaging

The chat on FB works on my laptop too!

So u never get chat disconnected?

Well the chat is switched off on here now, I know you haven't been around in ages so might not have realised, there is a thread somewhere (can't find on phone). As for FB, my understanding was if it switches to messaging it is because the other person has gone offline, but I don't use FB chat so not 100% on that but I vaguely remember that from the odd occasions I have used it.

Nice to see you back W

Nope. Well not on my phone anyway. I use to on my laptop.

That must be it! Never used chat on my blackberry so wouldn't know about the other

Nice to see the cleavage again! (Coff, coff!)