Choosing one of these male masturbators

Hi all

I’ve been an LH customer for many years but am after some recommendations.

I’m debating whether to buy:

  1. Blowmotion

  2. Blowmotion

  3. Fleshlight Pilot - I can’t link it as the forum limits me to 2 links.

My choice is either for just of the above or a Blowmotion plus the Fleshlight.

I’ve read all the reviews and can’t choose between 1 & 2, obviously the Fleshlight is a very different thing altogether.

I’ve had the original white Tenga Flip for about 10 years (bought from LH). Maybe it’s very similar to the Fleshlight but then plenty of guys own several Fleshlights because they vary so much.

Decisions decisions :rofl:



Hello and welcome @Yaffle

Seems like a good spot for a poll. :slightly_smiling_face:

That limitation should disappear after your first day. :slightly_smiling_face::+1:

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Thanks for the poll.

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I have not tried the first 2 but I enjoy using the Fleshlight. I have used the Tenga flip and for me the Fleshlight felt completely different.

With toys what may work for some may not work for others.

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Hello, just flip a coin… Leave it to chance…

There a couple of Blowmotion toys in the sale. Sadly neither of the ones you were after, but this one has 70% off… (now £21)

And this one has 50% off (now £50):

The reviews on the Blowmotions are all a bit hold and cold though, so it’s tough to know if they’ll stack up to a Fleshlight/Tenga.

Lovehoney do have the Sex Toy Happiness Promise, so you can try a toy out and if it’s not the one for you you could send it back for a refund. :+1:

Thanks for the replies and votes.

I bought the smaller Blowmotion and the Fleshlight Pilot - delivered this morning.

Eager to sample the goods I didn’t give the Blowmotion as long as it needs, for a lazy laid back session it’ll be great. Perhaps wish I’d bought the larger skittle shaped one but maybe another time.

The Fleshlight Pilot is leaps and bounds better than my old Tenga Flip, flippin amazing.

Washed and powdered ready for tonight now.

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I think you made a good choice. I once had the opportunity to test a product very close in design to the 2nd one and it weighed A TON and did very little for me! :wink:

I have quiet a large selection of Fleshlights, and I have to say they are the best toy range for men at the moment. The flight is a particularly great toy, would also recommend the STU.

I haven’t tried any of the Blowmotiom toys. Any other lads had experience? Worth the money?

I saw they are sometimes in the sale and I have got close to ordering one a couple of times, but not clicked the button yet.

Let us know how they compare. Eager to hear how the Blowmotion is.