Circumcision at 40

Im thinking of having a circumcision as I have an incredibly long foreskin. It has never revealed the head of my penis when I am erect and despite daily cleaning I suffer with thrush quite often and my OH now suffers with UTI which we both put down to my foreskin. Having it removed doesn't bother me but wanted to hear from anyone that has had it done at this stage in life. The pros and cons.

My mate had it done. Hurt like hell for around 2 weeks. A few complications with healing for him also.
I'm sure the pros will outweigh the cons for you though.

I also know of someone who had it done in later life. No complications, just a fair bit of pain and discomfort while it was healing.

I think the key thing here is to have a break from sex once it has been done to give yourself time to heal .

I think the benifits will be well worth it in time.

As far as i`m aware,you have to peel the foreskin back to reveal the head,even with an erection! As for the UTI`s,being clean is good,but soaps can irritate and cause them,by destroying `good bacteria`.Also,one of you may have auto immune issues.You both need to be treated to clear it up.

The only real problems with having it done now are infection risk while it is healing and needing to abstain from sex for a couple of weeks.

I can't stress enough how important it is to keep it clean and not play with it when you have it done, your best using the wash the hospital provide, you should get your own bottle but if you don't a mild antibacterial liquid soap making sure it is all washed off thoroughly.

I think having it done would help you, I'm no Dr but it makes sence.

If you are experiencing health issue then yes this may be something you need doing, however its not something you can generally chose to have done on the NHS so visit GP and they can advise you on suitability and necessity. UTI in your oh is unlikely because of this unless you are in the wrong hole but she will certainly have let you know if that was the case, but if you have thrush it is likely she has too.
Causes of UTI are many, so again visit GP (if not already done so) and get proper diagnosis and treatment.

As for cleaning afterwards ask specifically what to use but generally its the washing before hand that is as important if not more so, so ensure you shower really well down there for good couple days before hand and use of antibacterial soap may be an idea.

Hope all goes well

Hoping I can get this done on my health insurance.

My son had phimosis causing repeated infections and had to have an operation to correct it, when he went in for surgery it was for a circumcision however the surgeon was trialing another option where they detached the underneath of the foreskin length ways and then restricted width ways. this meant he was able to keep his foreskin. He was young when this was done and it was on the NHS but I wanted to let you know an alternative to circumcision so It's worth discussing your options with a specialist.

That should say restitched not restricted!

What Libby referes to is 'stretching' and is a usually succesful alternative to circumcision as pointed out. There is also non surgical alternative in the form of steriod creams which are very effective but it all comes back to going to see the GP and start from there.

These are all treatments for phimosis which is a tight foreskin which means you are unable to draw it back making cleaning really difficult, leading to thrush and other infections. It can be a surgical emergency requiring immediate treatment or it can be a long term problem where can start with creams and escalate from there.This is also an an increadibly common problem that few men get treated and just put up with. And i know you say your problem is an extra long foreskin, but be open to the fact it may be something else.

Northsea guy good luck to you and hope you find the right solution for you.

I think it was a cross between preputioplasty and frenuloplasty. At the time it was still a fairly new procedure and i think it's a little different now but both are available on the NHS where health is affected.