I occasionally use a cock ring. I agree with Boogaloo's findings and my wife has to place it on me before I get hard. Otherwise I will miss the boat so to speak. Maybe its something to do with girth .
For me it actually makes me bigger and I tend to get a much deeper sensation when I orgasm. Mine is of the vibrating type which stimulates my OH . Best positions I like is Cow Girl and the Reverse as then my OH is firmly on top of me.
I don't know if anyone can confirm this but I have read somewhere that cock rings shouldn't be worn longer than 30 minutes after when you become hard.
i love my leather adjustable cock ring ,it looks great and feels amazing when my wife attaches the lead and drags me around the house by my cock and balls
I have steel rings. Ive bought regular cock rings from durex and a rabbit vibrating from ann summers but wanted something that was really gonna squeeze. Snallest ring in lh set is far too small. Danger of falling off! Lol. Middle one is perfect wit cock and balls thru it. Bit of mucking about squeezing ur balkl thru then pulling ur cock thru ( has tobbe very flacid!) Nice hard squueze wen erect. Like a steel pole. Lol. Slight ache after a while but a nice ache. Deffo wont b goin back to normal ones. Makes th gf very excited how extra thick it gets snd itscgreat for me too. Kindacturns me on cos its like actorally different cock shes getting
I personally only own solid ones. One is made of Jade, one of Wood and the other Bronze. To be honest, I bought them more for aesthetics than for actual use. I didn't particularly love wearing them but I have only used them on my own.
I could see them being much more interesting during sex but in solo play, they're quite "meh"... That is just me. I know of other guys who swear by them.
Next step for me will probably be trying a leather adjustable one or a multi-ring cock harness.
We use a ring very similar to this http://www.lovehoney.co.uk/product.cfm?p=14060 The tightness is slightly adjustable by using the press studs around the balls. Very intense orgasms when used at tightest. It should come with a selection of different sized rings as the one we have came with a ring for John Holmes.
I love my metal ones, one I can wear 1 for days and gives a nice feeling when hard, the other smaller one is a half hour or so one-but it gives me a really hard effect,nice shiny head and generally makes it more pleasurable and may help slow things down, it's also possible to stack all 3 getting smaller to the front on my bit, which looks cool.
I use a cock ring from time to time and i must say the tracy cox edge set works wonders for me keeps me hardered for longer and im amazed how much bigger i look with one on! not tried the vibrating ones yet though
I really like my vibrating one which goes round the cock and balls but if you don't use enough lube it can pull on your skin/hair. I find it makes my cock less sensitive so I last longer.
Got several, but think I prefer the metal ones. Once you have mastered the trick to getting them on the metal ones are pretty easy. Balls through first then cock. If anything beyond flaccid won't work and I would go for one of the stretchy silicon ones. Personally like to wear them for a while. Defiantely make things harder and can hold back for longer. Usually means quite an impressive show when i do cum.
I like cock rings, but always find them a bit of a hassle as they apparently have to be put on flaccid. ......
Does everyone else always put them on flaccid?
Yes, it is essential to put proper cock rings on flaccid. The purpose is to restrict the flow of blood out of your penis and therefore to make it harder (and for you to last longer).
I have a lot of metal and solid rings. There is no way that I could put these on without being flaccid, or without lube. I love the feeling, I know I am visiably bigger and harder, but I feel more "powerful" or evenly "manly". I can wear them for fun whilst out and then obviously I'd be flaccid.
To be honest, yes - they are hard to put on if you are instigating sex. The best thing that I have found is a shower and think of something non-sexual. Try and get it on as smoothly as possible (any delay can get you hard and this can be really painful if you are half way through putting on a solid one). Lots of practice in a non-sexual context. Use a water based lube to help in the shower (probably anal, because standard would wash away)
So, balls first, one at a time. Then take your flaccid penis and fold it around and push it through the remaining gap. Lube here is essential. Once in place the ring should fit tightly (but not too tight at this stage) around the base of your penis and under your balls. When you get hard this will get tight and lift your balls up a bit. If you are not familiar with solid rings then opt for a larger size to start with. There is nothing quite like the panic of getting hard and realising that you opted for something too small!! (And a trip to A&E is going to be embaressing).
To remove. Wait until you are flaccid. A cold shower may help at this stage, if you dont have a shower available then make sure you are clean and reapply some lube. Push the ring up along your penis a bit until you can hook your finger around the base of your penis and then pull it through and out of the ring. Then remove your balls one at a time. I do not recommend this action if you are even slightly hard!
I generally use a steel ring, put it on well before sex (sometimes wear it all day) and haven't needed lube to get them on.
One thing to mention about the solid rings is the width of them, if they are thin then they can cut in and hurt if you are hard for some time but if they are flater then I can be hard for a long time without any discomfort.
What I would say is the vibrating stretchy ones are a lot more difficult to get on and I do need lube for them. My OH prefers me to wear the vib ones.