Condoms and male masturbators

Just a simple question, if wearing a condom while using a male masterbator for a different feel of arousal would it in any way damage the soft material that the sleeve is made of ?

I'm no expert but I would think it's more likely to rip the condom?

Use lots of lube and surely it would be fine? But then i guess you would still need to clean the item after using it (if you were using the condoms to stop this)

it would cause friction, could break the condom, may cause friction burn on the penis

It won't break the condom or cause friction burn, it's just like going without, if the material caused friction no one would use it,, just use lube. It shouldn't damage the material, but you'll still have to clean it afterwards

I've used a condom on a single use toy in order to prolong its life. The condom didn't rip and I could keep using the toy. Good way of making the clean up process a lot easier, but sensations are definitely not as good, like you'd expect.

I always use a condom and lube whilst using my masturbator it makes cleaning up easier and the condom has never split once.