Contraception dilemma

I think it may be time to start using the alternative contraception
You go and life in Australia and she lives in the uk. Only have virtual sex over the internet. Very safe, no side effects. Win Win.
Sorry but thought the thread needed to be lightened a bit.

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You can get condoms are very thin, as close to skin to skin penetration as you can get
Why not at least try them
Itā€™s better than getting an unwanted/unplanned pregnancy
And I wouldnt suggest the pull out before you cum trick as mistakes do happen in the moment of passion

Hi and welcome ,
This is my opinion only :grin:
Firstly if you are in the UK you might struggle to find a dr willing to perform a vasectomy so young we had to wait until OH was 25 as our family was complete . The statistics for reversal arent that good either .
I respect everyones choices for birth control and you really need to decided whats best for you . Every type has pros and cons .
As a lot of advice above suggests try different condoms , there are a lot to choose from .
An unwanted pregnancy is the last thing you want if your prime desire at the moment is sex .
It sounds like she has made her mind up about what she doesnt want to do and thats fine , so now you need to decide if this is a good relationship with a future . Putting a condom on might not be ideal in your fantasies but honestly its not that bad , we still use them on occasions , saves a lot of mess and OH lasts longer .
Do some condom research you might be surprised .
And again this is purely my opinion :blush: everyones will be different .
As @steve19 says long distant could be the answer ! It will be you and your hand

I never had problems with condoms and I feel itā€™s unfair to say a woman is responsible for birth control - that is do last century :thinking:

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Condoms are fine, and of course you still feel something it is just a bit different. but they can be fun if used propely

Do you want children in the future?
If yes, use a cindom, if not good luck getting a vasectomy

I tried to get mine when i as 21 & told no.

You should assume that a vasectomy is irreversible. No responsible doctor would perform one without telling you that, and being convinced that you had given informed consent. It is unusual that they would perform such a procedure on a childless man, especially if youā€™re as young as 23.
I think you should speak to professionals at a sexual health clinic about your contraceptive options. The most effective barrier method is the male condom, followed by the female condom. These are estimated to be approximately 98% and 95% effective at preventing pregnancy. The cervical cap or diaphragm is an alternative barrier method. When used in conjunction with a spermicide, these are estimated to be approximately 92-96% effective. Thatā€™s comparable to the progestogen-only pill, but less effective than the combined pill or an IUD.
Another option is to shop around for condoms. Some are thinner than others, and so allow more sensation. Some manufacturers produce condoms in different sizes, given that fit can be an issue.

I had the same when we were married. How about having skin to skin until you are near to coming then put a condom on

@pusseypleaser thereā€™s just as much chance of an unwanted pregnancy/scare doing that. Thereā€™s plenty of active sperm in pre-come.


Thereā€™s also the possibility of not pulling out in time. Coitus interruptus is a notoriously unreliable method and not to be recommended.

Yes, pulling out is not reliable. We use that method in my family if one of my partners doesnā€™t want to be pregnant again yet. Keyword is YET, as the goal is just spacing pregnancies a bit for health reasons. Being unable to get pregnant, Iā€™m kind of our birth control method. Husband pulls out of another partner and finishes in me. But weā€™ve got evidence running around the house that the method doesnā€™t work 100% :joy:

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Just rubber up! When itā€™s time for baby making you can have your wish!