Couples watching porn

When watching porn with my wife I prefer her to flick through the channels and settle on whatever is pressing her buttons. To me most porn categories are the same only with different actors and combinations of gender/sexuality :man_shrugging:t2:, perhaps I’m just not fussy! My wife seems to like a wide variety too, though perhaps a slight preference for lesbian and bdsm.

Having both explored a wide range of porn it has opened up the conversation to preferences, fantasies and boundaries overall enhancing our sex life.

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I watch porn, OH dosent like it because shes not really experienced it made properly - like food how can you seriously comment if you havent tried it? unless youve tried some bad food and its put you off.
My point is that OH watched old french movies with people covered in hari and bad haircuts, just shagging for shags sake, there is some good made for women by women porn that might help solve that - try bellesa - very attractive men and women having in most cases believable sex - very very horny indeed - good luck.

that seems to be a common thing that women prefer lesbian, BDSM and also bi or gay ( men) at least so ive seen on other chat forums, like literotica.

My OH has told me that when we go to bed she would like to watch some porn with me surprisingly she said she fancies some lesbian porn something she doesn’t normally watch but the biggest surprise was when she said she also wants to watch some trans porn

Me and wife occasionally watch porn to get us in the mood and I’ve even brought her some lesbian dvds which she likes to watch and I don’t mind them either :face_with_peeking_eye: but generally we can watch any and we have some kinky ones and it does the trick for us :+1: