cream to enhance a spanking

Anyone know where I can get some cream to use before a spanking, to enhance the spanking?

Looking through forums can see L/H used to do one, but not anymore, would love to try some. but not sure where to get it.

Or any tips of things to try???

Seconding menthol. Makes a noticeable difference.

I had no idea. I need to find something to try now!

KinkyMira wrote:

I had no idea. I need to find something to try now!


I'm guessing one of thoe deep heat creams or sprays would do the trick. Do you apply before or after?

Oh nice tip about menthol! I will try that.

One thing worth trying is simply a little lube, it changes the sensation subtly and I feel like it makes it feel as if things connect slightly better. Plus you'll have that on hand (probably literally) anyway 😅