Cudos to the Lovehoney staff.

After using the excellent site to research potential male toys I made a purchase (although an ultimately unsatisfactory purchase) I was invited to join the forum.

I am very impressed. This is the first serious non-pervy site where there is enlightening conversation on these issues.

Some thoughts and suggestions: first I find the choice of male toys a little small compared to many other sites.

Also you could have a forum on porn and choosing porn. I I like porn but choosing porn I like has been a perennially frustrating endeavor: I have to look at 50 clips I hate to find one I do like. This actually feels like work. I think the topic is big enough to merit its own forum.

Also is there a way to see the history of my own posts? Is there a way to respond specifically to someone's post? Can I get an email delivered to me when someone posts in my thread or has responded to me personally?

Generally though my congratulations on a great place for meaningful discussion.

Hello, I'm sorry about your purchase but I'm glad you've decided to explore the forum. Welcome!

As for the male toys, if you have anything specific in mind that you wish Lovehoney to stock you can ask on the Pander to Me thread (which you'll find via the search function) and they might consider it. For the idea of creating a forum category for porn, I'm not sure that will happen, many people use the Sex Tips and Talk category for that and you can find more threads on porn again via the search function. If you're still interested in it you can suggest it on the Great Big Suggestions Thread and who knows? It may happen.

You can see the history of your posts via your profile. You can quote someone's post which is an option that you'll see above every post, quoting is how you respond to a specific comment here. As for the emails that's not an option at the moment, I think it's been said before people would get irritated with the emails.

Hello and welcome :) I feel NatandTom has answered all questions really well so I don't have anything to add to the previous comment. I definitely understand your battle with finding porn. In fact I tend not to bother with it as it just makes the whole process too time consuming.

On the email option and it being frustrating most sites have an opt in opt out function. It seems this would solve that problem.

it would be nice to be able to direct message people. have a block function. twitter is the only way i have been able to have a private chat with others on here sadly