Cystitis and Water Infections

Hi everyone! I constantly struggle with frequent UTI’s/Cystitis/Water Infections - not just from sex either, it’s an almost daily occurrence with seemingly no cause in particular. I’ve tried antibiotics, sodium citrate, drinking tons of water, barley water, cranberry juice, cranberry tablets… all of it! I’ve also tried adjusting my diet to cut out caffeine and spicy food. I only wear cotton underwear, shower regularly, wipe front to back and I don’t use body wash around my vulva. Nothing seems to work! It’s driving me crazy. I’ve been having this problem for about 4 years now and have been bringing it up to my doctors constantly but they always just give me a course of antibiotics and send me on my way. Whenever I have to provide a urine sample it almost always comes back negative, and I know what some might say - it’s not a water infection it’s BV, or thrush - I know what a water infection feels like, and the others listed and it’s definitely cystitis. I’ve had an ultrasound on my kidneys and bladder and all is fine there. I’m not sure what else to do! It’s impacting my sex life, my mental health and my day to day life in general. Any advice would be appreciated, im at my wits end with how to finally conquer this.
Thanks all! :heartpulse:

Hi :wave: can fully relate to this and it wasn’t until after second pregnancy that this stopped for me. Not that I needed to be pregnant to resolve it. But basically I had complications after giving birth and needed to stay in hospital. During this I had various examinations and the doctors identified I had some sort of skin tag or something like that on my urinary tracked / area (can’t actually remember exact detail as 10yrs ago). Knowing my water infection issue he said that it was the likely cause due to location etc. Was never anything sinister or they were concerned about. The took it off though due to my issues and I’ve never had another infection.

Not saying it’s same issue but that was my experience… but know that feeling of fearing sex , worry etc and getting another infection, more antibiotics etc etc

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I can also relate to this as when I was much younger I also suffered from water infections often and it usually led to me being on antibiotics. I started getting them way before having sex so I know it wasn’t linked to that. At around 20 years old I changed things and touch wood I’ve only had about 3 cases now in 13 years.

I wash my hands a lot now before and after going to the toilet.

I don’t use anything down below only water. When shaving around that area I do use shaving foam but after I’m finish I rinse really well with a show head(so important)

Knickers was another big factor. I stopped wearing them for 90% of the time. I also made sure they weren’t to tight and now when I have to wear knickers like if I’m wearing a dress, there big baggy knickers.

I didn’t change my food diet.

I hope you find something that works for you.

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I know this is from a male view point but I suffered with many infections due to me needing a catheter. A small dose permanent antibiotic may be the answer so worth asking the doctor

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Ouch! I wasn’t even aware you could get skin tags inside your urethra! I’m glad you found a solution though - it’s a pain I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy​:sweat:

It may be! All of the women in my family have the same issue as me so I’m fearing it might be genetic (if that’s even possible) just going to have to keep chasing the doctors about a solution​:pray:t2:

Keep on at them. If it was them, they would not live with it , they would want things sorting.
Being a little sexist is your doctor female, someone that may have experienced similar may be more understanding. @OBrienR

My wife has been through spells of repeated UTI’s. I remembered reading one of the ladies on here recommending a spray and that has worked wonders for my wife too. It’s called “Pjur med clean spray” and Lovehoney used to sell it but don’t now despite still selling other Pjur products. A quick Google should take you to the Pjur web shop if you are interested in trying it.

ETA: it is aimed at helping intercourse so not totally your issue but thought it was worth mentioning if it will help you out.

Crikey I truly feel for you as can imagine the discomfort you must be in :pleading_face:
Sounds like you really have tried it all and doctors not helping much either but I’d maybe consider requesting to see a specialist as although you say you know what it feels like and stuff, there might be some underlying issue that the doctors haven’t looked for or maybe considered it isn’t a water infection but indeed something else with similar symptoms hence why the treatments haven’t worked…