
I used to really like digital painting and animating but nowadays I don’t have nearly enough time or creativity to do anything like that, so I’ve found that going to the gym for a bit each day is a good alternative; keeps me fit for my mtb stuff and it knackers me out so I get a good nights rest :smile:

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I couldn’t agree more hiking is brilliant, it’s absolutely amazing what getting out and about can do for your mind (:

It’s even more amazing what a couple good orgasms can do for your mind as well :rofl:

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Music (anything that reflects my mood and I can connect with, usually metal or rock)
Nature and being outdoors
Animals (birds or my cat)
Baking (freshly baked bread is heavenly)
A good cuddle with my husband
A massage or foot rub (never thought I’d say that, I have very sensitive feet, but find the right spot and it’s perfect)
Food! Can’t go wrong with some good comfort food - soup and crusty bread, cauliflower cheese, a good roast dinner (not all together obviously!)


You’re speaking my language @Lil_Strawb! I love chocolate and music too! I also find stargazing really relaxing, though that’s more time dependant than the others haha :slight_smile:

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Ive always wanted to try and improve my drawing skills and get into digitial art. I keep starting it then giving up as i start over stressing about how my drawings are terrible :joy:

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Keep practicing, I know that’s super cliche and everyone says it but it’s so true. What do you use to make you digital art? I’ve found that the tool youre using can make a massive impact on the quality, I used to use a proper Wacom tablet with a screen but it just wasn’t for me; ended up switching to a really basic huion tablet and I found that I was able to improve wayy quicker (;

I have a Wacom tablet aswell. Its quite old without the screen so i have to kind of guess and draw. I did attempt for a while using my normal tablet or my touch screen laptop but i think trying to adjust to each of them, aswell as trying to learn how to draw (i was trying to focus on human anatomy, as thats what i wanted to improve on to draw pictures of people/anime version) kinda threw me off a bit

Listening to music, doing yoga, or walking outside in nature- tends to help with stress ngl :relieved::sunflower:

Yeah, it definitely takes a lot of getting used to looking at a screen whilst your hand is doing something else but I’m sure one day you’ll get the hang of it (;

Some drinks and music in front of a campfire

Music, having a cuddle with one or both of my dogs, colouring.

Jiggling my balls sometimes helps :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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If I’m out in the countryside (which I love), I listen to the sounds of the countryside, and watch the nature, birds etc. I find that so relaxing and de-stressing.

Oh, and sex de-stresses and relaxes me, obvs!


I love when I take my earbuds out and its so still that all you can hear is silence, love that :ear:t3::black_heart: