What kinds of things do people do to de-stress?
What is something you didnt think would be relaxing? But turns out it was?
What kinds of things do people do to de-stress?
What is something you didnt think would be relaxing? But turns out it was?
Masturbation can help to reduce stress.
Music is my ultimate de-stresser, must listen every day.
My dog.
@WillC I’m with you with music. I cannot go a day without listening to something.
I also like a weighted blanket. I have a particularly heavy one. Sometimes when there’s a lot going on in my life, or I get loads of bad news at one time, I have to lay on the floor with it for an hour or so. It helps enormously.
W*nking helps. On a daily basis
Ideally, being out in the countryside with a camera for nature photography and no people. Need time for that though.
With less time, and just to switch my brain off… Candy Crush!
Candy Crush…i’m on level 10,701!
I’ve overtaken you, I must have had a stressful last year
…17,201 now
Never got on board with Candy Crush. Think I have played it once. Now Tetris that is a whole different story. Not particularly good at it, but find it satisfying.
I only started because one of my friend’s wanted someone to give her lives!
I will take a nice long walk or do some indoor rowing. Like others, listen to a lot of music and read.
Fresh air for me.
Sounds corny, but it helps me so much.
And like @WillC - Music. The heavier the better will make me less stressed.
Chopping down trees with a chainsaw
I agree wanking is great at reducing stress
Walking/hiking and with an audiobook or music playing in my earbuds.
Exercise, masturbation, or sex… in any order.
Sex too! Can’t believe I forgot that Its more often that I’m not having sex, than I am. But when I do and its a good kinky session, it clears the fuzz from my head and its like I’m back to factory settings.
A flogging a day keeps the doctor away. No but seriously, maybe.