Dic Rambone dildo ....chemical smell???

Its been used :p dont think they'll accept it now haha

Avrielle_Aniko wrote:

Read all this and am dissapointed. A dildo I have recently got has the awful smell. I wouldn't normally mind, but I can smell it when it is in the drawer and wrapped in an old t-shirt!

Will be experimenting tomorrow to try and rid of the smell while the OH is at the football. But am unsure what to use and what not to use. I'm worried of putting something on it for the fear of the material being slightly porus and ending up with some chemical in there..

Would sterilizing it work? or would it be dangerous if the material is porus?

Have you tried clingfilm? That might work better than a T-shirt.

One of my toys really reaked so i left it in a spare room with the window open for a week and washed it daily and it is much better now and stink free!

i have Dildo called Sean the Dong. and hes smells citrusy. You could use him as an airfreshner lol