Do you have a nice selection of self photos and videos to masturbate to?

Yes we do, shame we can’t share here!! :blush:


@our-adventure-bed we’ve been building up a nice collection of photos and videos over the last few years and it’s one of my favorite things.


Have lot of photos of gf and I as well as self photos and videos sent to her. I love taking them solo and together. Unfortunately she’s not into it so I rarely get anything back. Wish she would be more adventurous

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edited by mod

My wife has been camera shy , even regular photos forever . I am a bit of a camera - video whore . It is amazing how much time and thought goes into some of the photos and videos I take . The only video I am too chicken to take is one of me nude out in the woods using one of my drones . Too damn many people wondering around the woods .

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