Do you keep your boxes?

I'm currently keeping all my boxes. All my toys are silicone, so they'll melt if I keep them touching each other, so the packaging comes in handy. I'm aware it takes up alot more space than it needs to in my toy box though, and I'm currently trying to hunt down some bags for them.

Ecksvie wrote:

I'm currently keeping all my boxes. All my toys are silicone, so they'll melt if I keep them touching each other, so the packaging comes in handy. I'm aware it takes up alot more space than it needs to in my toy box though, and I'm currently trying to hunt down some bags for them.

ooh - Ecksvie - your new profile pic is WELL SEXY!!!

How do you mean if silicone toys touch each other - they melt?? Is that true?!?

*LM goes scrambling for his silcone toys to save them!*

Silicone is lovely but generally i take extra special care to ensure any silicone toys are kept isolated... tbh i only allow plain plastic to sit touching, but i try to avoid even that! generally just try to keep everything seperate personally.

ooops - mine just get shoved in a bag under the bed.... maybe i should take better care!

Nope, they take up too much space.

I do have a fairly decent sized collection.. but to that end i dont think i could really afford to start replacing them if i knackered them, so luckily the under bed storage is big enough to cope with some packaging!

LadiesMan wrote:

ooops - mine just get shoved in a bag under the bed.... maybe i should take better care!

might be an idea! i had no clue about the materials issue at first either but since i found out i have been a lot more careful!

Christ no peeps, l would have to live in an aircraft hangar !!!!


Dunca1348 wrote:

Keep the box for a year then bin it.

Why? If you don't mind me asking...

I only ask as I know with LH the box isn't needed if it develops a fault, they're happy to help anyway.

I'd guess about half my collection (if that actually) have their boxes... some are stored in them, some in velvet bags that came with them, some in their original molded plastic... some just in the drawer all nakey. but if they are the latter, then they are kept apart. :)