Asking for thoughts and feelings of those who are used to a shaved/waxed partner. I’m usually shaved bare down there, not for him but I find I feel cleaner and sex feels better, I’ve not shaved it in a couple of weeks and I’m horny now, I don’t want my neglected area to put my husband off but I also can’t be bothered doing it right now. If your partner is usually shaved or whatever does it bother you if there’s a bit more than stubble?
Wouldnt put me off. Since covid, I stopped shaving. I’ll trim on the odd blue moon, as does my partner, we embrace the bush!
I stopped shaving too, mostly. He asked me to not shave and I prefer not cutting myself on a regular basis, so it works for me.
Now I only shave my lips and only when I’m going to have sex and thats just for access. Otherwise I trim all of it every few months.
Take it however it’s presented
It makes no difference at all to me.
Shaved smooth or full bush I’ll spend all day there if she’ll let me .
It wouldn’t put me off if my wife was sporting a bit of hair, I still love going there but I MUCH prefer her completely bald. I just find it irresistible.
My idea vagina has absolutely no hair of any kind.
It would not turn me off. It would be something unexpected, but that would also get most men excited.
Definitely not…no hair puts me off.
Love the look of a cock and scrote natural…arms…back…legs and chest too…a man to be as nature intended.
Iove her however she comes. Trimmed or full bush… love the variety greatly.
In our youth (20s) she tried to shave but that resulted in many pubic ingrowing hair later on.
Ive tried the same with similar results but now use an mechanical epilator woth good results.
On him, I like shaved balls and behind and tidied everywhere else. I wouldn’t rim him if he hadn’t shaved but I’d still give him oral.
I’m not a fan of a hairy back or arms but I love a hairy chest and the happy trail from his belly button to wonderland
Mrs W here … I have different preferences at different times. Mr W is the same. So sometimes we have bushes, then when we fancy a change we spend a nice evening preparing and shaving each other … the only downside for me is when the hairs start to grow and for a few days reach the “irritating” stage when they are a bit bristly, but when they grow a bit more they become more flexible and cease irritating…
It wouldnt bother me had partners waxed and natural.
I prefer a lady with some hair, may be a landing strip or a nice manicured area. Bare is also good but my preference is landing strip.
I much prefer totally smooth, but short trimmed can look good too
As a woman I keep myself neat and trimmed - very short and shaped - as I have tried total hair removal but it was painful and left me very red for days and I did not like the look
My husband does full hair removal and it’s appreciated by me - looks fabulous
Wouldn’t bother me, OH goes through various phases from completely bald to full bush.
Early on I thought it did but was probably just outside influence. After meeting my wife she was always bare down there and she admitted it was because that’s what she felt she had to do. After kids she began letting it grow out and I was very surprised how much I enjoyed it. The look, the feel, and even the taste! She mixes it up now depending on her time ability and seasonal. I love it!
Hair is ok with me. Wife does shave every now and then, never totally though. I do need at least a landing strip. I have been shaving my shaft and balls for a while now. Wife for sure likes it, the oral she gives me since has been amazing, she is like the energizer bunny.
I sometimes go a week or more without shaving, it’s never put my husband off. When he’s hungry, he’s hungry
We have a no hair rule at home, just keep things clean and shiny. I alwys get turned off by guys with armpit hairs.