Double Headed Dildo problem!

Very embarrassing but I couldn't get both ends to fit where they should!!! Any tips?

Relax is always key... And lube :)


Thank you xxx I was fairly relaxed but it didn't seem physically possible to get both ends in if you see what I mean. The ends of the dildo seemed too far apart!

Did it not bend enough?

Yes! There wasn't much 'give' in it.

Hmmm. Not sure what to suggest other than it sounds like it's the toy's fault and not yours! How long is it? Maybe a longer one would bring the ends closer together, or something that's a bit more 'jelly' in construction ?

I like the idea though! :D

Some are intended for double penetration Ork as well... could be you've got the wrong type though?? If it was bought from here I'd just contact customer services and ask what they'd suggest instead and exchange it

They are intended for lesbians (scissor etc.) but with time and patience i'm sure you will manage to take it by yourself :P


Hi Thanks everyone for your advise and help x

It's this one :

I have that one too, it can be a bit tricky as it's almost too much in the right shape to start with - so you kinda have to keep both ends at the same level, if you try to get one all the way in first and then the other one it won't work very well, I'd suggest starting with one end and only inserting it the tiniest bit, then the other one and once you get how it works, should be plain sailing! :) maybe start with the back end first, once the head's in it should naturally hold itself in place a bit easier.

If it still feels too rigid, I remember reading this in someone's post or review: get a craft knife / stanley knife / scalpel and carefully shave thin slivers of material off the middle part, that makes it thinner and therefore should be a bit bendier. Hope this helps :)