Douching - How long beforehand can I do it ??

If i was planning on some anal fun in the morning, could i do it the night before and still be nice and clean the following day ??

why not just do it in the morning lol

Wouldn't really have time lol. Don't fancy doing it before i go on the school run either lol

well one way to find out try and see lol

It depends how quickly your digestive system works. I'd say that after 8 hours of sleep there's a good chance that your prep-work may be undone to some extent.

Oh pants. Hmm haven't even bought the douche yet anyway, so I am being a bit premature.

It'll have to be a trial and error thing then lol


Well the errors aren't the nicest of things.

For hygiene and out of courtesy for your partner, surely it would be worth getting up half an hour earlier?

Very true

I would say so yes...