Edit post button?

Hey there,

Since Im rather new to this forum, I was wondering if there is an edit post function on this forum- Some code leaked into one of my posts magically, and Id like to remove it.

Am I blind, or is there no edit post function?

Please help!

Long discussed but nope, not sure if currently in the schedule of things pending!

Alright, fair enough- Sad that it's not there, it's often seen as a forum basic :)

Thanks for the quick reply!

They did give a very good and valid reason but l forget what it was, and you are welcome Firewolf ! Fab avatar by the way, narrow waist and great thruppenies l'll warrant.


tallboy247 wrote:

They did give a very good and valid reason but l forget what it was, and you are welcome Firewolf ! Fab avatar by the way, narrow waist and great thruppenies l'll warrant.


I think it was so people can't be idiots and them alter the post afterwards. Fair enough I think.

Ahh, seen that happen a lot of times on forums yes. Sad though, those people that do such things.

Love that avatar of yours as well TB!

But think it's best to leave this thread for now- As the question is fully answered, see you both around on the forum

WandA wrote:

tallboy247 wrote:

They did give a very good and valid reason but l forget what it was, and you are welcome Firewolf ! Fab avatar by the way, narrow waist and great thruppenies l'll warrant.


I think it was so people can't be idiots and them alter the post afterwards. Fair enough I think.

That was it, but some still achieve the happy state notwithstanding W and A

Wheeling back to this topic, maybe a preview post setting would be an idea?

There you go then sorted, when did they sort the double, triple, quadruple, quintuple posting then please Avrielle??

yeah the LH team seem to be very good with the removal of problem posts! i've had a few posts removed and they didn't seem to mind doing it for me!