Eek, anal prolapse!

Hey fellow forumers,

wondered if anyone had any info on anal prolapse?

After a particularly full on anal session a few years ago I found a bit of my arse hole seemed to be sort of, hanging out, not much only a mm or so but enough to freak me the funk out. I gave anal a rest for a year and it seemed to sort itself out but recently returned to it as I love it, but alas the problem returned. Went to the docs and they just said not enough lube was the culprit, and advised rest. I did this and when it went back to normal decided to do some work on stretching my anus before going for it again, so bought a butt plug and an anal wand. I have been working up to a medium size plug and decided tonight was the night, plenty of lube and build up ,lots of fun but again bit of a prolapse after. Bum.

SO what I want to know is; is this it for me and anal?

Is this amount of prolapse damaging, i.e will it lead to problems later? I have been looking through the forums and came across the concept of "rosebudding" , where people prolapse on purpose, wow, not something I'm into but if it does keep happening could it be alright if there are folk who do it for fun? Again I emphasise it's not much, just enough to feel bobbly to the touch and sensitive.

Any knowledge or advice welcome it's hard to find anything on this! X mr.

I would say that you need to stop. The muscles are presumably weakened already and potentially the prolapses will either start happening after bowel movements.worsen in amount of prolapse or not self-revert. Potentially a prolapse can remain outside affecting blood flow to the colon which will require surgical repair.

In short I wouldn't take the risk. I have had to take care of people with severe prolapses in the past. It is not pleasant or comfortable for them. It is bad enough when elderly but I imagine that dealing with the consequences as young adult (mid 20's was the youngest I have been to) are more daunting.

My first suggestion would be to make sure you have a good diet so you have comfortable bowel movements. Both diarrhoea and constipation can cause prolapse. I'd also make sure any other conditions are treated so you are as healthy as you can be (especially things like IBS and haemorrhoids). Apart from that, I'm not sure there is much you can do. I did wonder if kegel exercises could help strengthen the muscles and if that is the case maybe something like this with an anal probe (not sold at Lovehoney but they are available for that model) might help. I'm definitely not a doctor so check with them before sticking anything else in your butt.

I have never personally met anyone into rose budding and I suspect it's mainly just a novelty internet thing but whatever you can imagine will be someone's kink.

one mm "hanging out" isn't really possible and any doctor on Earth will advise you against because they all (me excepted) believe it inevitably leads to faecal incontinence.

Once you've inseted large diameter objects in your rectum regularly, the skin around the anus will stretch and as you age it will lose elasticity. The result is a very crinkly appearance and quite a lot of excess skin and mucosa which may bunch up and seem to hang or protrude.

The most important questions are about function. Does your rectum and anus still work properly? i.e. can you control your bowel motions. Most of us who indulge in anal find that we control our farts much less than we used to but as long as you don't lwak faeces it doesn't really matter too much ( as long as you're not too embarassed).

Don't accept the advice of the average GP, they know squat about such things. My advice would be to see a GU specialist and that is usually free and anonymous. They examine more overused arses than anybody.