Emily Clarkson campaigns to ‘free the nipple’. Sponsored by Lovehoney. Hypocritical?

Yes @monster98, that’s the whole point, right? I know reading about other people’s POVs broadens my horizons.
(Nothing worse than living in an echo chamber where all your opinions are reflected back to you)


I have to confess I hadn’t thought my question would get such heated replies.

This is a great forum, and has a great sense of community. If not having visible nipples is the price, it is worth it.

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I’m very glad you asked the question. I thought it was a really interesting debate. I’m sorry if I hurt feelings in the process. Turns out I’m more passionate about nipples than I realised! :see_no_evil::joy:

If the campaign is successful then hopefully all nipples that wish to be visible on the forum can be :crossed_fingers:


I really don’t see it as hypocrisy to publicly support campaigns to question or challenge commonly held views in society, or to question if there are better ways in which forums, search engines, and social media filter content; and all while working within the norms and rules that wider society and lawmakers put down.

I think it’s perfectly possible to stick by other people’s rules and simultaneously disagree and even protest (loudly) against those rules. :+1:


Good morning all,

I know this comment will have revived an old post, but I thought I would ask the question anyway!

In recent months, Meta (which includes FB and Instagram) have decided to allows nipples (male and female) to be shown on their social media platforms. I have checked before writing this, and yes, they are there for all to see.
I was wondering, does that change anyone’s opinion that had responded previously?
Does that change how LH would be seen in the search engines?

I for one would love to see the “ban” dropped on LH, but if posters still want to cover up, then that is their decision and that is fine with me. We all have our boundaries and I totally respect that.
I just thought if we had a choice “to show or not to show” as we now see on Meta, things may be a bit easier when taking and posting photos? :slightly_smiling_face:

Enjoy your day x

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It is certainly something to look into! Google is the one that will be the deciding factor unfortunately :frowning:


Thank you. Looking forward how things pan out x

Just to note, our #your-photos category is not searched by Google as it’s not public. :slight_smile:

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Good to know! :slight_smile:

@Latino_Caliente do you have any links regarding Meta’s rule change?

@Ian_Chimp Hmmmmmm…it’s looking better all the time for those that wish to “show”

@Lovehoney_Brenna It was in the media a couple of months ago. I will have a search and post back her later…a bit busy now! x

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Hi @Lovehoney_Brenna

Here is one of many links Free the nipple: Facebook and Instagram told to overhaul ban on bare breasts | Meta | The Guardian
This is from the Guardian Newspaper.

As I said earlier, I’m busy today, but this article is a good update on the situation.

Hope that helps
LC x


I suppose as long as everyone can be mature about it, and those who wish to still censor theirs can. Reading back through this thread, there was discussion (I call it that lightly) regarding the difference between male and female nipples.

I think it’s important to note that breasts (which both males and females possess the tissue of) are not actually sex organs, but secondary sex characteristics.
On the male side, your enlarged Adam’s apples and beards are also classed as secondary sex characteristics.


I don’t have an issue with seeing nipples and we know that photos have to be approved anyway so any that are deemed as provocative will be declined.

I would really just expect that comments would be respectful, so that those who do enjoy being a bit of an exhibitionist, can continue to do so.


I find sticking an emoji over a male (or female) nipple a bit silly and takes away from the beauty of the concept. On the other hand, the Lingerie Photo uploads from the weekend had some beautiful lingerie with some bumpy areola surrounding the nipple. The shot was artistic and erotic without a degrading overtone so well done!

However, showing items for sale with topless men and then not being able to see the same item in the forum does seem strange.

In the article posted by @Latino_Caliente , this quote was interesting:

Facebook and Instagram users can also flag posts they believe violate the company’s policies, as they did for the photo that spurred the board’s decision. “It doesn’t take a genius to work out that there are certain areas of the culture wars where content moderation gets weaponized”

I think it’s like showing a vulva and not the clit, or the shaft of a penis and not the tip. There are places for moderation and I think breasts are an artistic art and no longer linked to “porn”. If you want porn, go post somewhere else. If you want a healthy forum, have some balance and tact.

If you want to show a nipple on a balcony bra set in the forum, go ahead. If the nipple is simply there are covered in a substance that appears to be ejaculate, it doesn’t belong. Maybe a voting system by a group of moderators where the majority rules and the ability to remove anything is given to @Lovehoney_Brenna or someone? I think we have come a long way and are (mostly) all mature people here.

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@valbowski77 , I don’t think you’ve read the full conversation. While Google dictates that showing female nipples classes the site as “pornographic” and therefore restricts it’s priority in searches, a business, as obviously Lovehoney is, can’t show them regardless of what moderators personal views are.

I think the points you make are absolutely valid and I agree with you 100% that having nipples, of any sex, showing (in a non pornographic setting) should be allowed but that’s not a decision for Brenna or any other mods until Google catches up with Meta.

I think on the forum it would be hard to police, “Yes, you can post nipples in #your-photos threads but you can’t have them in your profile photo or background picture”.

The change of policy by Meta is an extremely good step though, and thank you @Latino_Caliente for telling us as I hadn’t heard about it. Hopefully Google will get there too and then, maybe, the rule can change :crossed_fingers:.


Thank you @valbowski77
I think that is a brilliant, common sense reply and I agree entirely with what you have said and the way you have said it. The lingerie shots as you say, were very tastefully done with just a hint of areola.
And as @JoCat says, if people want to be a bit of an exhibitionist, without being vulgar, then let them. For those that want to mask their nipples, they can carry on. But as @valbowski77 has said, sometimes, that mask can take something away from what the poster is trying to achieve.
@Peitho Thank you for your input too. It’s always nice to get a mix of opinions and to know you understand how search engines work, but as you say, things are changing.
The only reason I bought this up again is that I remembered this thread (as I had commented) and when I read about Meta’s change of policy, it prompted me to wait a while, let the dust settle and then share here. But as I said a couple of days ago, just by searching “Nipples” on IG, there are lots of tasteful images, so is that the way for LH to go??
Thank you to those that have joined in :hugs:


I am still a little confused:

  • For starters there’s explicit sex toys on here that look like penises and vulvas that would be picked up on google would it not?
    -This forum website is only for those who are +18 anyway and we explicitly talk about sex, favorite toys, how we like to have sex. Wouldn’t google pick that up anyway? Wouldn’t we want to restrict who can see the forum anyway?
    -What’s the issue if google labels this forum differently? This is the forum domain of a sex toy shop. The two are different websites and most people I am assuming would discover this forum primarily through the main store website much like I did. This forum isn’t even showing up when I google ‘love honey’…but again, that didn’t bring me here to this wonderful community the store page did.
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Try “Lovehoney”. I can see it in there, but it may be different results/order for different people though. :person_shrugging:

This forum is public, so anyone can read most of the content. :+1: It’s only 18+ to participate. It’s full of good (and mostly sensible :slightly_smiling_face:) advice, so it’s not something that should be hidden away.


Thanks! I see it now.

#22 on my results after the other countries version of the lovehoney website, various coupon code websites, a couple of other online retailers, review sites, and a wikipedia article about the history of lovehoney.

Oh I agree. Lovehoney’s YouTube, blog, and this forum offer amazing advice. I miss their more regular weekly YouTube videos, it’s how I discovered lovehoney in the first place. I love the sex ed on their blog.


Yeah, for “Lovehoney” on its own I think it gets beaten out by the shopping site. Though if you search for some advice it gets better hits. Eg “dildo stinks” :slight_smile:

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