Good luck @Cassii - I related to a lot of your original message, after I split up with the guy, I spent about a month randomly smiling from how light everything felt!
@BLovesC - I can’t speak for Cassii, but I know for myself, I’m really bad at putting myself first, and my ex certainly wasn’t going to! He was really surprised when I dumped him, he assumed the fact that I put him first meant I cared more about the relationship than he did. His constant refrain during our relationship was “you look after me so well” which quickly became a slap in the face reminding me that he’d done almost nothing that could constitute “looking after” - I definitely need a reminder every now and then that it’s healthy to be selfish, and expect something back, hopefully I can remember that for the next relationship!
@Ian_Chimp The formatting options are my new favourite thing!
Made you look! x