Ok, I feel awful for even bringing this up - but as you are such a kind and friendly forum, I hope someone can lend a sympathetic ear and give me some advice.
Things in the bedroom between me and the Mr has become sparse. The reason being (mainly) is that with the house move and work worries, the enthusiasm has not always been there. But i'm beginning to see the problem goes way beyond that.
In the 9 and a half years we've been together, i've begun to notice that he sometimes has problems maintaining an erection - even when things would appear to be 'normal'. Whenever we were 'getting down' to it, and he lost it, I always just told him to not worry about it - it happens. For a long time, I thought it was because I just wasn't doing it for him anymore - but I always put it to the back of my mind. But now it's becoming quite frequent. I still didn't quite put 2 + 2 together until just last week.
He gave me his phone to look at some web pages he'd saved - we were looking at some decorative pieces for the place and as I was scrolling through, I noticed there was one page open that was talking about viagra and other erectile dysfunction treatments. I didn't say anything as he has the habit of getting a bit flustered if we talk about anything personal.
I have no idea how to bring this up with him. I want him to know that I will do anything for him, and make him see that it's not something to be ashamed of. I completely sympathise with him, but at the same time, I feel frustrated, and recently, when i've tried to initiate, he now just tells me he's too tired.
I really don't know what to do. Am I monster for feeling frustrated? I know it's not his fault.
Help! Please.. x