Extended Butt Plug Use

Advice please on extended insertion and retention of plugs. My partner wishes me to be plugged 24-7. Has anyone in the forum tried this. My maximum time plugged so far is five hours.

I would imagine after so long there would be some problems with your natural excretory system. I'm not sure how viable 24/7 is...

If you use something like the njoy pure plugs then it is possible to go much longer than 5 hours because the plug has such a narrow neck you don't really dilate and because it's metal you can use oil or silicon based lubs that don't dry out as fast as water based ones. Glass is also a good material, but just make sure the neck is narrow (think little finger sized)

There's a lot of contradicting advice out there, which is mostly because people are advising based on their own, usually short term experiences.

I'd say this is one of those cases where paying attention to your own body is more important than following advice from internet denizens. 24/7 should still involve taking the plug out for cleaning, reapplying lube, bowel movements etc etc. Especially with regards to the lube you'll need to experiment and find what works with your own body.

It also involves ceasing at any sign of pain or discomfort, whatever your goal length of time to keep it in was. You'd probably need to build it up to the full 24hrs too. But never let the kink overwhelm the common sense in your head when doing stuff like this, if there's pain or discomfort don't ignore it give your body a break :)

I've worn one over night, remember oil based lube though.

Lovebirds_x wrote:

There's a lot of contradicting advice out there, which is mostly because people are advising based on their own, usually short term experiences.

I'd say this is one of those cases where paying attention to your own body is more important than following advice from internet denizens. 24/7 should still involve taking the plug out for cleaning, reapplying lube, bowel movements etc etc. Especially with regards to the lube you'll need to experiment and find what works with your own body.

It also involves ceasing at any sign of pain or discomfort, whatever your goal length of time to keep it in was. You'd probably need to build it up to the full 24hrs too. But never let the kink overwhelm the common sense in your head when doing stuff like this, if there's pain or discomfort don't ignore it give your body a break :)

I've worn one 24/7 on numerous occasions. The advice here is spot on. It's also extremely important to make sure the plug you use fits properly to avoid discomfort, chaffing of the base etc xx