Feeling low

I find this really helpful - with my own choice of music blasting out very LOUD and the windows down for some fresh air. Great idea!


I really feel for those suffering. I must admit I have been lucky, working from home has saved me a lot on train fares, I also found that when I was in the office I could go several hours without speaking to anyone, as a contractor working alongside employees, I never feel like I fit in a & nearly all the people I dealt with weren’t in the office anyway. Working from home is perfect for me.

I know what you mean. I have been off work since march but it isnt possible for me to work from home.
I generally suffer from depression daily and not having an escape from the repeat daily situations is driving my even deeper into this hole. I have discovered many people i thought were friends really arent, dating seems impossible aswell as finding new friends. I need a holiday from all this time off.


@zombifiedguy you have friends here, feel free to unload on us, or spend time interacting. :slightly_smiling_face:

@WillC i will certainly consider that. I just miss having people who want to spend time with me, feel pretty worthless and alone

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@zombifiedguy i feel your pain, this current situation is taking it’s toll on many. Just know we will help as much as we can!

Being on here has helped me alot @zombifiedguy I feel like this too…

Lots of lovely people.
A couple in particular have been real troopers…


I appreciate it and i will try to be here for anyone who needs it too

@CurvyJilly you know i will always support you my friend, same goes for anyone else who feels low.

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Big hugs to everyone


@Alicia4Ever i really hope things get better for you. Hopefully your transition can be a fresh start for you.
Im willing to listen if you need me to. We can try to help each other through things and trying times


@Alicia4Ever hopefully you feel amongst friends here, and i’m sure there’s someone out there for you, you just haven’t found them yet. As for the fairweather friends…good riddance!


Very common. Weird unprecedented times. It is great that you are articulating how you feel rather than keeping it all to yourself.
Do something, anything, every day that you can to mix things up a bit. Rearrange stuff. Change up the garden. Paint a wall. I found it really helpful earlier in lockdown to move stuff around in the house and garden to stop it all looking so much the same.
As others have said, if it worsens, speak to your GP. Best wishes to you.

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One simple tip i find helps, is to give yourself a little something to look forward to each day, but get the chores, shit stuff out of the way first, so that you have this little goal to aim for. It could be something as simple as a bar of chocolate, phoning a close family member or friend, playing with a pet, a walk in the outdoors…even visiting here.

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I know what you mean, the thought of trying to meet new people now is just overwhelming, right? It feels as though life is just on hold for a year or however long isolation will take to pass. Bring me a time machine! :dizzy_face:

Sending hugs your way, it’s the most gut wrenching thing to lose friends when you need them most. I went through that too, when I first got long term ill 10 years ago I suddenly found that about 3/4 of the people I considered friends just couldn’t be bothered with the effort of knowing me anymore. Since then I’ve focused my energy on much fewer, and better quality friendships, and I’ll say I’m happier and the loss has eased with time (though I’ll admit it hurts for a long while). Have you got some close friends you can rely on?

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@cassii to be honest i wouldnt say i have super close friends. I have an ex gf who is closer to me then most as a friend and maybe 2 others but even then it doesnt seem like effort is made to spend time together.

Im the kind of person to message most days seeing how someone is feeling and then try to help them if they are down etc but most people i used to call friends never even asked how i was. If i was stressed etc they would assume i was just acting out etc.

I hope you managed to feel better with the smaller group.
Im trying daily to find new friends but my self worth is so low and i doubt i have anything to bring to a friendship, that seems to translate over when i talk to someone :frowning:


@zombifiedguy it’s a self perpetuating cycle isn’t it, you feel like no one likes you and it makes you feel shit so then cause you feel shit you can’t make more friends.
Have you got any hobbies you can get involved in, or plan to get involved in when things lift? It’ll automatically give you something in common, and also something to keep things flowing if conversation falters while you build relationships with people


@zombifiedguy @Cassii you have friends here! :slightly_smiling_face:


@cassii no real hobbies at the moment. I just cant seem to win these days

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It seems to me that ‘community’ is something which has been both lost and found during 2020. Most of us are cut off from the communities which in normal times we relate to and which help define us, beyond our own households (work, friendship groups etc) and yet we have probably got to know the neighbours in our streets better and have had to be in contact more frequently with far flung family - neighbours and family may not be the communities we would choose for ourselves in normal times.
So, would it help anyone to think about which helpful communities you could join or increase contact with at the moment? (E.g. making more use of Zoom etc to keep in touch with friends, joining an online book group or forum - like the Lovehoney one, volunteering locally / from home, Covid safe walking / gardening groups? Dog-walking, keeping chickens - whatever you feel at home with)?
By being part of a community we feel happy with, we make connections with others and start to open up, which in turn can help low mood.