Female erections????

I know this sounds like a daft topic but for the past 6 months this has been happening when i think about my OH...i seem to swell up and i dont mean like massively...and you cant really see it but it feels tingly and full...can females have erections with out a penis...maybe its possible as the clit is apparently a very small version of a penis...as when we form in womb it either grows or doesnt if it does tada a dick if it doesnt your a girl ...so thoughts on this and is it weird????

Well, the clitoris does get erect when stimulated. Mine is normally half the size compared to when I am aroused. Not sure what you mean swelling? which parts? the vaginal lips can get it swollen when the blood is being pumped into them.

Thankyou so much everyone very very helpful x

Ha ha Hella I like that you've posted NSFW for that link but I can't imagine most employers being cool with people browsing and posting on here at work either!

If they are I'd like to meet those employers!

Haven't had the chance to read back however mine gets really hard.

Hmmmm....try a clit pump.

My clit really swells and i have noticed that latley when i have cum my lips pulsate for about 5 mins after not sure if thats normal but i like the feeling of it and it happens randomly when i get excited and am just going about every day stuff ~Juicy~

No chance to read back however I enjoy pumping my clit inside a 'nipple' pump I purchased on here.

It gets really hard and throbs.mmmmmmmmmm....