Fetish clothing and skin allergies


I have sensitive skin and am allergic to latex and certain metals (i.e nickel, alloy). I am particularly interested in a chain body suit on LH, but there is no information on the type of metal the chain is (stainless steel? :crossed_fingers:). I want this for my beaux but I’m afraid if a reaction. Also, is this normal for other items?

Can anyone provide some information on this? Or how to find out? Thx!

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I would contact customer care and they should be able to provide you with the information.

I don’t have the exact piece you’ve linked but have other DOMINIX Deluxe pieces. I’m not certain what metal they are but can say they’re generally quite heavy and do not turn your skin green with prolonged wear (unlike cheaper alternatives I’ve tried) so I think your chances are good that it will be something your skin can cope with​:crossed_fingers:.

I’d try contacting live chat first to make certain though, when the chat is working, the LH staff at the other end are usually really helpful.

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Thank you @Peitho! I think I’m sold but will take your advice and check with customer care.