Fibroid problems

Does any ladies on here suffer from or have fribroid problems?

Recently found out I have one and been having very heavy bleeding

Sorry honey ! are they keeping an eye on you? x

Will need to go back to Drs , symptoms getting worse . Either that or it's my age lol 😁

Yes and only found out in July that I have them.

Periods were heavy and every 2 weeks, decided to have the mirena coil fitted, but been bleeding every day since August, just lighter than usual. Had a good 3 weeks bleed free, but it's back once again. Don't know what else to do. Was told it will take 6 months for my coil to settle, but I'm desperate for a hysterectomy as I can't have any more children.

Need see gyneachology again me thinks

Oh I sympathise with you on the fibroid issue ! My periods got very heavy and I experienced flooding, went to the Drs who said it was my age ( i was about 45 then ) . It kind of settled a bit till my late 40's and I went for a routine mirena coil check when they couldnt find the strings, so sent me for an ultrasound. That showed I had a largish fibroid but as it wasnt causing any real probs they decided to leave it .

A year later I was my periods were so heavy I was anaemic , I was flooding at unexpected times and my stomach was looking like I was pregnant ! Did another scan which showed it had grown massively in the past year . After various tests and scans I was told a hysterectomy was the option, especially due to my advanced age lol !

Obviously I wasnt keen even though I had three kids and didn't plan on any more at the age of 50! But I had the hysterectomy and honestly it really was the best thing to do. Once recovered I felt great, no more bleeding all the time and my stomach shrank down !

There are other treatments available though and a lot depends on your age and how big the fibroids is but I would urge you to go back to your Drs if your symptoms are getting worse as it doesn't take very long to become anaemic and heavy periods are no fun are they ?

That's horrible purring -pussy and wildflower .

I didn't even know I had one until I was sterilized earlier this year, but now explains the clotting I've been having . Had a very bad flooding experience last week, luckily I was at home but looked like I'd been murdered .

I have been given a prescription from doctors for the bleeding so will see how it goes .

Yeah I had the clots too and luckily same as you my flooding experiences were while I was at home but it can be a bit frightening the first time it happens !

Hope your medication sorts things out :)

wildflower wrote:

Yeah I had the clots too and luckily same as you my flooding experiences were while I was at home but it can be a bit frightening the first time it happens !

Hope your medication sorts things out :)

Yes it was the first time i had ever experienced the flooding and tbh was very frightening

Ah, yes. The flooding - that frightens you into considering A&E, despite your loathing of hospitals!

Oh, and the wonderful clots that look like something from a horror movie.

Not to mention the pain...

Ladies that are suffering, I hope you get relief with treatment and/or medication. It's not pleasant.