Finally got my PA!

So at the weekend my FB took me to a piercers so I could finally get my PA that I’d been promising myself for nearly a year now, I’d only not had it done because my Ex told me she didn’t want me too and wasn’t a fan the first time I had it done,
So, even though my FB thought it was a “gay” piercing, as per a previous thread that ironically reappeared today, she knew I craved getting it done so surprised me by booking me in and paying for it. I think she’s secretly excited by sex with it too.
Currently sat at home with my cock out letting it breath and admiring how amazing it looks.:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:
Only problem is my FB didnt account for the few weeks we can’t have sex, so after weeks of constant sex had to tell her it’s either oral for her or to find another FB if she needs cock, she chose at least 4 weeks of oral!!:grin::grin::grin:
What she doesn’t know is my plan always was and is to stretch it to a very large gauge, about 12/14mm, so if we’re still FB’s she be having lots of weeks of oral!!


Congratulations on your new piercing :grin:


Yay! Well done on getting it pierced, bet it looks fab! Did hurt much when getting it done? :eyes:

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@WaveyAlien TBF I knew what was coming as I’d had one 10 years ago but stupidly took it out, it smarted when the needle went through but apart from that no pain at all, also this time there was a hell of a lot less blood, first one bled quite a lot at first, this one was almost blood free.
Also asked for the largest gauge ring they could put in as it makes a bit more comfortable which was my issue with the first one, I was told a thinner ring can irritate the peehole.
The piercer agreed to do an 8 gauge piercing when he normally does 10 gauge for a PA, must admit it does feel more comfortable so far.

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