First time rimming

My new partner wants to try rimming on me.

My question is how do you clean behind there?
Do I clean it differently from my :cat:?
:face_holding_back_tears:Ive never done it and I don’t have any experience in anything Anal.

Do I need to buy a douche?

Any advice is appreciated :joy: I can’t ask this question anywhere else.


Personally I douche, I like to make sure I’m very clean before any anal play but it is very much your choice, as long as you shower etc properly there shouldn’t be a problem, you could ask your partner if they mind either way, my OH doesn’t mind if I douche or not, the main thing is relax and enjoy


I don’t douche and never have done. I just make sure I shower before hand and clean myself like I usually do.


Shower or, if it’s a spur of the moment thing, use baby wipes or moist toilet tissues to make sure you’re really clean.


I love to rim my partner and I’m pretty sure he doesn’t douche, I wouldn’t expect him to. I just want him clean and hair free there, which he always is.

I’ve douched for anal play in the past and over did it and it turned out really badly. That’s because I was overthinking it.

Just wash your bum the way you normally do. I’m guessing you don’t leave streaks in your underwear so you must be doing it right already.
Try to go to the loo about an hour before you’re expecting to be getting sexy and shower after. A few lubey finger thrusts in the bum hole should help the movement if you need it.

You could ask them to ease into it and just do a few wee licks while they lick the hooch and see if you like.


I just clean myself in the shower so I’m always ready. We never plan on rimming, so just standard cleanliness does the job.

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Just like the others have said, I’ve never douched. I just clean myself in the shower if it’s a planned rimming, or if it’s a spur of a moment thing, then I just use a couple of baby wipes to make sure I’m clean.

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As said by @KinkyMira we both clean in the shower which is enough for us. We have used douches separately and together for fun but we are spontaneous so when we fancy a bit of anal play we just do it. I can’t say that we have always been spotless but that’s the price you pay for pleasure :wink:


One thing I was wondering about was whether anyone who’s done this to a male/penis owner has ever alternated between BJ and rimming. I can imagine this being immensely pleasurable - presumably ok hygiene wise if partner is prepped and clean (obviously this type of move is a no go when performing on female partner!).

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I’ve gone from rimming to bj, not as a conscious choice for how it would feel for him. But more as me wanting to taste his pre cum or spread it on his ass to play with it with my tongue.

I don’t see why it would be a no-go for a female partner if they’re clean but not for a man. UTIs don’t discriminate.


The best way to clean is to use an anal douche. I bought one from Lovehoney and its really grea, very simple to use. Only need to use it prior to anal play. Take a shower beforehand ensure that your anus is squeaky clean. Another recommendation for anal play is ensuring you’re consuming fibre in your diet, most gay men who bottom take fibre supplements it help clean your rectum naturally.

I would definitely recommend some flavoured lube (check it’s water based most are). This will ensure that you will taste delicious giving you piece of mind about how you taste down there. Have a great time!

Its very enjoyable for me but i always shave and shower beforehand as i would expect any potential partner to do the same ror me


Just shower and make sure you’re clean :slight_smile:

I think maybe they said that it’s not a good move for females is because you aren’t supposed to go back and forth from the vagina to the anus just Incase of spreading bacteria!! I could be wrong though!!

Yes, that would be why, but that’s to avoid a UTI after you’ve been to the toilet. You wipe from front to back.
But it’s the same thing going from ass to penis as it is going ass to clit, you’re still visiting the vicinity of the urethra.
Tongue dipping into the vagina would be different, you don’t want to risk that but this is why you only lick a clean ass :wink: