First time tips?

i’m preparing for my first anal sex. any tips please ?


Search :flashlight: “anal sex” in the forum topics and you will find lots of topics and tips already discussed :+1:


thanks. does this cover gay anal sex? i am the bottom

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Hi @smyth-2k9 :wave:
Welcome to the forum!

Biggest tips - lots of lube and a relaxed mental mindset. Lots of foreplay so you’re turned on, ready and wanting it.

Not sure there’s any difference from the recieving point of view whether you’re male gay, male straight or female. My top two tips apply to all.


would you recommend a position? he wants to do it in the doggy style position


Start in a position where you are in control of depth and speed and can control the penetration, something like cowboy. Once you’ve got used to it (and are hopefully enjoying it!) move onto whatever you both like but start slow and with what you are comfortable with or it’s likely to hurt.

thank you

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My first time anal wasn’t planned…didn’t use lube…and never have for partnered sex.

We took it slowly and I said when I was ready for a bit more and also to go deeper. Then when I was ready for thrusts I again was the one who was in control and I knew that and trusted him 100%

It didn’t hurt at all and was very pleasureable. I do enjoy anal sex but my partner now is not as keen…so it doesn’t happen very often.

Good Luck and only do it when you are 100% sure you’re ready…it’s your body and your choice.


thank you. i want it so bad but nervous too x

I was super nervous my
First time if done right it shouldn’t hurt a lot but never force anything and never let them rush it the whole process takes time and u must be relaxed if ur tense u will be in pain u have to just slowly do it if u feel pain ease off and keep trying slowly x good luck with it and I hope it goes ok make sure u pick the right person.

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@twistedspiral thank you. i’m waiting on him now. we are going to go doggy with lube xx

we’ve just finished we started doggy then went cowboy :heart_eyes: once i got over the tightness it was magical. thanks everyone


Glad it worked out for you. Should get better with time, too.

I started having anal sex as a girl, but found out about my intersex physical traits and I’m doing it as a boy now. I started out a bit timid, but I love it really vigorous now.

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Lots of lube and take it slowly.

Hey dude, happy days to you!
first times are always the weirdest… I’d firstly say don’t have any expectations for this as for many, first time anal can feel strange if not a tad uncomfortable depending if it’s literally the first experience of having anything up there lol :sweat_smile:

Some useful preparation is a good idea so maybe consider getting yourself an anal douche kit off the LH site and give yourself a few hours before hand to use and get settled…

Always be sure to lube up plenty. LH sells a great silicon based brand called ‘backdoor lube’ which helps to relax the muscles a bit. Some guys also delve into using poppers to help relax themselves but I wouldn’t recommend this for a first time.

First tips would be to start off small and use some finger play to get used to the feeling of having something inside there and open you up a bit before attempting a penis!
Maybe even get the other guy to rim you for a bit too if it’s something you may enjoy.

Then when ready make sure the penis is lubed up plenty and take it slowly in a position you feel comfortable with… for me I tend to enjoy being on top of the guy with him laying on the bed so I can have most control over sitting on his dick.

Hope some of these tips will be of help to you dude and importantly just enjoy the experience even if it don’t go to plan :relieved: