First time?

As someone who is still a virgin, im slightly worried about having sex for the first time? Is it a feeling thats normal or is it just me :sweat_smile:


It’s normal to worry and be nervous. It’s ok. When you do have sex the first time just try to go with the flow, be in the moment. First time may not be so enjoyable because you’re new, unsure and nervous but the second and third time will be much better. Your feelings right now are natural, believe me we have all been there and it will be ok.


Absolutely normal, don’t view porn as an instruction manual.


Kind of worried that it might not go as planned, like if i finish in seconds or something because its a new experiance, but i get what your saying about the times after

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That is true, sometimes i wonder how people can go for that long, doesnt make sense to me :joy:

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Totally normal to be nervous, especially about coming too soon, how long do you last masturbating?

Im sure everyone is nervous the 1st time … just take it slowly and enjoy it when it happens

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In all honesty the first time is likely not to be the best sex you will ever have, especially if you are both virgins.

Like anything else it gets better with practice.

First time is special, but you will have better.

I think if you can last a few minutes you will have done well for the first time. Don’t take porn as an indicator. Its not real and not true to life in my experience. Respect your partner throughout, take your time and communicate.

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Take your time and be open with your partner that you are inexperienced. Remember that sex is to be enjoyed by you both. Masturbation a few hours before sex can make you last longer. Remove the angst of an unplanned pregnancy by practicing good contraception.


The simple answer is: they probably don’t :sweat_smile:
Porn videos are often shot out of sequence, and edited to show a false timeline.
The ‘money shot’ at the end of videos is quite typically recorded first, to help ensure larger & more visually appealing ejaculation, and the other shots are often then recorded, after a cleanup, and erections maintained with the use of ED medication.

There are plenty of people who have a harder time reaching orgasmic heights, but the norm is very different to porn depictions.

There’s so much unnecessary shame around coming quickly. If you and your partner can laugh it off and try again, it really doesn’t have to be a big deal.

What I also find quite interesting is getting to play with the ‘refractory period’.
For example, after I’ve ejaculated, I can’t typically ejaculate again for around 15-30 minutes. But I can get erect again pretty quickly, so there’s a time window where I have less sensitivity, and last longer.

First times are always gonna be a mixed barrel of emotions and for many isn’t as spectacular as they expected… it’s the second time what really gets it going.
Main thing is to not put pressure on yourself and go with the flow plus enjoy the interaction however it pans out. Have a good laugh with the other person involved if it goes a little tits up, it’s all an adventure :slightly_smiling_face:

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Totally normal. As a woman I was told that my first time would hurt. I hardly felt it and more shamefully I bloody loved it too :see_no_evil: :joy:


You shouldn’t have been shamed by enjoying sex … it’s MEANT to be enjoyed :blush:

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I quite agree, but that wasn’t the first message I recieved, unfortunately. It’s part of why I do what I do now - I enjoy sex, and I want everyone else to enjoy it, too!


I look foward to experience it some day, but i just feel to akward and nervous to go and ask anyone i feel comfortable or close with. Ill probably end up waiting till i have a future GF and see how it all works out one day :joy:

I feel like women that are around my age that i know (20) either dont want to have it or are very secretive about it, but i could be completely wrong :joy:

Don’t rush. When the time is right, you’ll know :slight_smile:

The first time is always worrying. I didn’t have sex until very late and the longer it went on (me being a Virgin) the more nervous and worried i became about it. Everything was fine. It won’t be your best performance but hey everyone started there. I used foreplay and oral to increase her satisfaction knowing when it came to it i wouldn’t last long. Porn isn’t real life, and its edited to give a false perspective.

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Slightly controversial, but you could always employ the services of a professional, then you would be under no pressure to perform and the professional could help guide you and make it enjoyable.

It might not be the special event you want it to be, but it would put it behind you and you would have the experience when you do meet someone special.