
Am i alone in this...i think fishnets look great but find the texture when stroking/caressing the wearer a bit of a trun off.It doesn`t give the same feeling as when the wearer has sheer nylons on.

I DO like the larger grade(Is it called Whalenet?) but i think that is because there`s more flesh accesible to touch.

Sounds daft but I have always like the look of stockings and think they look very sexy and love my OH wearing them. Unfortunately for me the feel of nylon goes through me and I don't like it. The larger grade as you mentioned I do like feeling my OHs leg through.

Stange one really the touch of nylon just makes me cringe.

Mysteron,are you old enough to remember nylon bedsheets? Urgh!

WillC wrote:

Mysteron,are you old enough to remember nylon bedsheets? Urgh!

Yeah and nylon pyjamas in the 70s . Thats probably were my hatred for the feel of nylon comes from . Great to look at.

Its probably the same for me with most man made textile materials. Thats why I don't like wearing much of the modern sports wear. I would rather stick to cotton or nothing.

mysteron wrote:

Sounds daft but I have always like the look of stockings and think they look very sexy and love my OH wearing them. Unfortunately for me the feel of nylon goes through me and I don't like it. The larger grade as you mentioned I do like feeling my OHs leg through.

Stange one really the touch of nylon just makes me cringe.

I am with you on this ! I don't like the feel of nylon 😊

With fishnets it`s the coarse texture,not exactly touch friendly for either party! As for nylon shhets/bedwear in the 70`s,i remember it being so hot and sticky in the summer,plus the static shocks you got!

I adore fishnet - I find it very comfortable and flattering (it also negates the worry of snags and ladders).

Having said that, Mr LNT does appreciate the feel of fine dernier nylons xxx

Mmmm the coarser the easier to rip off. Oops did I just write that out loud.

I love the look of fishnet as hell.

Yes they look great,it`s just the texture,frotage!

I love fishnet! I love the way to feels and looks. I especially love when my husband strokes my legs in it as it is such a peculiar feeling. Not so keen if it's tight and I look like a gammon joint.

I like fishnet but prefer the feel of sheer nylons . Love the look of it and don't have to worry so much about catching it on fingernails etc although I think my legs look better in sheer nylon .
I remember the horror of nylon sheets very'd sweat like a pig in the summer and freeze in the winter . And of course the constant static shocks every time you turned over in bed .
Possibly one of the worst inventions ever !

I think fishnet looks incredible but I'm with you on the feel - it certainly looks better than it feels.

I don't remember nylon sheets but I know nylon clthes make you sweat a lot! Not terribly sexy. Satin, silk, lace or cotton all the way for me ☺️

Lovingnewtoys I love what you're wearing in your profile pic! Is that on here???

*sexybabe* wrote:

Lovingnewtoys I love what you're wearing in your profile pic! Is that on here???

It certainly is from LH and here is my review for it


Thanks! It's lush, I love the colour xx

I have the same bodystocking too sexybabe, its gorgeous!

I really love the feel and look of fishnet

lovingnewtoys wrote:

*sexybabe* wrote:

Lovingnewtoys I love what you're wearing in your profile pic! Is that on here???

It certainly is from LH and here is my review for it


Just noticed it is on special offer atm too - Β£8.50 - bargain xxx

love fishnets, love sheer stockings. bring it on. :)

lovingnewtoys wrote:

I adore fishnet - I find it very comfortable and flattering (it also negates the worry of snags and ladders).

Having said that, Mr LNT does appreciate the feel of fine dernier nylons xxx

I'm with him on this one. It's the feel as you run your hand up from an arched instep along a curved calf, a silky thigh and then to the soft uncovered bits. Not the same with fishnets. And I'm off for a cold shower.

I like the look of both but if I'm wearing fishnets, jewellery getting snagged in it can drive me insane.

I remember brushed nylon when I was a kid, that really did set my teeth on edge πŸ˜–