Follow up reviews

Are we allowed to re review a product after extended use?

Some of our toys are a few years old & seen some galant action. Others started out well but been take out to the shed with Ol Yella!

I think the update of a toy review after a year or so would be good, It's good to know if a toy will still be hitting the launch button after a few years or merely burnt out in a few months!

Or would it be better if we actually had an update option on our past reviews for additional comments instead of another full review?

I meant more of an addition update comments box under your original review or a specfic update form so shopper obviously know it's an update.

Mmmmmmmmmmmm not sure about this one, l have a terminally ill mega 3 bangs, a follow up review of which might not be the best encouragement to acquisition!!- but only my perspective l appreciate!!


But surely TB, the fact a toy doesn't last should be a consideration in selection. We've had great toys that only last a few months but some others are still amazing after several years! If you fork out forty quid for an ass plug you expect it to last, after all it's susposed to be design for that sort of treatment!

Reckon you are right Mucky, but Richard did ask us to draw a picture of a redesigned three bangs, haven't got round to it yet !! Would though be a shorter less necky version... should help with insertion!! So you are right l suppose... if it helps that process.


You'll do for me Carly! You're alright!... It's not true what the rest of them say.... haha!