Internet slightly conflicting and I was just wondering on your experience. How long do I want to leave a glass dildo in the freezer before using it? I've had one in for about 20 mins and that seemed ok but I didn't use it straight away before using it. Would I be able to keep it in for longer if I monitered it before I used it or might it damage it?
I used to put my Icicles 25 in the freezer all the time, I think the longest I kept it in there was an hour. You should never, ever use it straight after taking it out of the freezer because it could stick to your skin and cause injury so it's best to leave it out for about 5 mins before use. I find getting undressed and getting lube out is enough time between taking it out of the freezer and use.
Also, if your glass dildo is made out of borosilicate glass it should be absolutely fine. Soda lime glass on the other hand is more delicate so shouldn't be subjected to extreme temperatures. But most glass dildos are borosilicate so I imagine that's what yours is too.
If you're not too sure about freezing, how about placing it in some ice in a bowl - that way you can monitor it closely without risking any damage. But I it should be absolutely fine as long as you don't leave it in there for days.
i normally leave it in the freezer for 5 minutes max and then let it warm up a bit before use, i dont like them super cold.
If you don't like glass super cold, why not just put it in the fridge? Or use at room temperature, because that will still be cold due to the nature of the material. Alternatively, if you're not a fan of the cold, why not try it warmed up? The freezer thing is not a rule or a requirement if you own a glass toy.
Internet slightly conflicting and I was just wondering on your experience. How long do I want to leave a glass dildo in the freezer before using it? I've had one in for about 20 mins and that seemed ok but I didn't use it straight away before using it. Would I be able to keep it in for longer if I monitered it before I used it or might it damage it?
Thanks, kitty. x
Hi BDSM-curious
We actually don't recommend you put any toys in the freezer to cool them as many people have experienced toys sticking to their sensitive bits once cold. I don't know about you, but my brain screams 'OUCHIES' when I think of that!
We recommend popping your toy in the fridge or in ice cold water to cool them down. Thanks to the conductivity of glass and metal toys, this will work quickly and efficiently!
I accidently left mine in my freezer for like 3 days...
I forgot about it and only remembered when I was cooking dinner and went to get the peas out haha
There was no damage to the glass and I ran it under cold water before using it - still felt great haha
As well as sticking to your skin, glass can actually break in the freezer if it reaches a certain temperature. A glass that you drink out of can shatter, but thick solid glass can get hairline cracks. These can be really unnoticeable, but become more prominent when the glass returns to room temperature. I wouldn't like to suddenly get a sharp pain while I'm in the middle of using it.
I find that glass is cool enough when it's been in storage in a cool dark place. But to make it last longer you could put it in cold water. What I usually do is line my sink with one or two clean flannels and fill with cold water and then place it in carefully. It wouldn't hurt to put some ice cubes in too, as long as the ice doesn't exceed a 50/50 ratio with the water.
As well as sticking to your skin, glass can actually break in the freezer if it reaches a certain temperature. A glass that you drink out of can shatter, but thick solid glass can get hairline cracks. These can be really unnoticeable, but become more prominent when the glass returns to room temperature. I wouldn't like to suddenly get a sharp pain while I'm in the middle of using it.
I find that glass is cool enough when it's been in storage in a cool dark place. But to make it last longer you could put it in cold water. What I usually do is line my sink with one or two clean flannels and fill with cold water and then place it in carefully. It wouldn't hurt to put some ice cubes in too, as long as the ice doesn't exceed a 50/50 ratio with the water.
Careful now Mrs one wouldn't want to be accused of scare mongering. :)
As far as I'm aware solid glass shouldn't break in the freezer or get any form of cracks because it's solid and there isn't any liquid inside it expanding. But I am going to do an experiment to see if that happens. I'm going to put one of my un used glass in the freezer for a few days and see if there is any change in it when it goes back to room temprature.
To my knowledge the only problem with putting glass in a freezer is if it isn't 'thawed' out properly so the freezing bits, get stuck on the warm wetness of the body! But I shall see, because I personally have put glass in the freezer but I haven't used it straight away