Friendly reminder - Members Only

Hey All,

This is a friendly reminder that the Members only category should only be used sparingly for very sensetive posts. It seems that more and more posts are being added that really should be in other categories on the forum.

If 50% of the topics are in Members only then potential new users may think that the forum is not frequently used and not sign up!

So, from now on I will not be publishing topics there that belong in other categories. If you have a topic in members only and it’s not a senstive topic, or highly personal to you - please consider moving it to a more fitting category. Thank you :smiley:


For the love of God Brenna, if I ever post there again and you think it doesn’t fit, delete my post! :pray:t2:


Things senstive to someones own personal life I can see fitting, but general sex advice/questions should be in more open categories :slight_smile:


Thank you Brenna Love