Garterbelts over or under panties?

Most pictures I can find of garterbelts shows them being worn over panties and while it is a look that I love I'm kind of wondering how practical this is. I'm playing with the idea of starting to wear garterbelts myself but the thing is I want to wear them during the day as well instead of just in the bedroom. I'd love to hear your opinions and recommendations on how to wear them as everyday wear :)

I wear my knickers over my suspender belts so its easier to go to the loo!

I wear my knickers under garter belts, it looks better. I just whip the whole lot down when needed.

Knickers over, for loo purposes :')
I don't think they really look better or worse either way, and I find the panties help keep the belt in place.

I always used to make the mistake of wearing my knickers under suspenders and then not being able to take them off so I'd say wear them over! :)

I wear my knickers over too, it's just much easier in a practical way.

I wear my knickers under suspenders, looks better but it's not as practical!

I always wear knickers over my suspenders - much more practical during the day AND in bed x

I only really wear them for the bedroom or sometimes an evening out but I wear them under my knickers whenever I remember. Intuitively I would put my knickers on first and then the belt but my boyfriend always wants to take my knickers off and leave the suspenders belt and stockings on.

Obviously depends on the style, say if you have a wide waspie/suspender belt then it would look odd to pull your knickers over them. Other than that, always wear my knickers over the suspender clips as it makes taking my knickers off quick and easy, ahaa.

As a guy I would suggest knickers on top. Nothing quite like having the suspenders on throughout!

I wear my knickers over my suspenders, I find it more practical

I have always gone knickers under garter belt, never thought of trying the other way...... May do next time

It depends what I'm wearing.

Thong/G-string/Hardly anything there is wornover the garter belt and everything else is worn under the belt, yes it's unpractical but I feel it looks much nicer ^_^

Wow so many comments already, thanks everyone! Very interesting to read your opinions on this subject :)

@TickleMeTots: Oh good point! Especially when wearing a style where there's some space in between the garterbelt and the panties. I'll be keeping this in mind!

@LibraLover and Gingerman: I hadn't given much thought to that yet, leaving the garterbelt on without panties I mean. Would definitely take a lot less time and effort when the panties were already on top to begin with! Adding this to my list of pros, along with having an easier time going to the loo :p

Deekayjay wrote:

I always wear knickers over my suspenders - much more practical during the day AND in bed x


My OH always wears her knickers over her suspenderr belt or basque. I love her to keep her stockings on when we're in bed (or anywhere else for that matter!) so knickers over the top is far more practical.

Having said that she's just started to wear more thongs & strings and they can just be moved to one side when it comes to the interesting bit!

I wear my pants on top if i am going out but underneath in the bedroom


Knickers over the top always for me. Much easier to remove if needed ;) xx
