G'day from sunny Qld Australia

G’day, thought I’d introduce myself.
I’m a 43yo happily single guy from sunny QLD Australia.
I’m single by choice and love it.
Sexuality? Buggered of i know​:person_shrugging:.
I’m attracted to femininity regardless of gender.
I’ll fuck anyone and let almost anyone fuck me.
I love my bum being penetrated.
I love being watched.
And I love chatting with new people of all ages, gender, orientation etc so shoot me a message or something


Hi and welcome to the forum @BobbyButtsex :blush::wave:t2:

There are topics on probably pretty much anything you can think of on here haha, just feel free to have a search and join in :grinning::+1:t2:

Morning and welcome :yellow_heart:


Gday from pommey land

Hi :wave: @BobbyButtsex
Welcome to the forum :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi and Welcome​:wave: :blush::wave:

Hello @BobbyButtsex and welcome to the forum. Sounds like you’re in the right place​:+1:t3:

Hey @BobbyButtsex :wave::wave:

Hello and welcome to the forum.

Hi and welcome to the forum.

Hi @BobbyButtsex :wave:
Welcome to the forum!


@BobbyButtsex Hello and welcome to the forums .

Hey and welcome, :wave:

Welcome on board!

Howdy sir! Welcome to the forum and what a great first post you’ve written :smile:

Hello and welcome. :wave:

@Wood_Wow hi there hiw are you

Hello and welcome. We do certanly have good sunshine here.